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  1. Alright loves, I'm headed to the hospital for surgery!

    I'll try to update you guys, but if I'm too tired, I'll have @Baylie do it :P


    Wish me luck! <3



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Baylie


      How would you not be too tired to update? LOL


      Jurns is okay!! The surgery went perfectly! <3 She has her pain meds and she's resting, but she's fine and dandy. <3 :lazeshydance:


      I slept through it because I'm nocturnal and a horrible person  LMAO

    3. Baah


      Thank you for letting us know, @Baylie! I’m glad everything went well. 


    4. Baylie


      @Dykz No problem! Thanks for your well wishes <3 <3 


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