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  1. I can't get my anxiety under control and it's making it so hard to work. Idk what do to.  can't just sleep it away.



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    2. psykhe


      @Mourning Suck on my earlobe? Dang, your cat is a freak xD Thanks for the advice! I've been working on my breathing and I do feel better. The anxiety is still there, but I don't feel like my heart is gonna pop out of my chest. I wish I had things to cope with my anxiety, but I don't really have anything besides drawing and eating lmfao



      @lord You're absolutely right. I have a bad habit of holding in how I feel until it turns into stress or depression. I just hate burdening my family with my anxiety. I think I need to just find a place where I can be alone and just deal with it. Maybe I need a good cry, I don't know :/


    3. lord


      @Deth If your family makes you feel like you're burdening them with your anxiety/depression, than maybe they aren't the people you should be confiding in. If they're not being open and accepting you may just need to focus on your friends or extended family or strangers on the internet who know what you're going through. Don't feel like you owe anyone anything. You have the right to cut off toxic people. And you don't have to spend your time and energy trying to make it so people understand something they might not ever get. 


      Sorry if I'm getting too preachy. Lol. I'm in your shoes and I just wanna be helpful. Haha.

    4. psykhe


      @lord My family is probably my biggest stressor. We don't get along well. but I also don't have any friends IRL. So I'm pretty isolated. The only time I talk to people is my when I talk to my roommate when he gets off work or when I'm online. I guess it makes it harder to deal with anxiety when you're alone. Therapy isn't an option right now, so I guess I'll be using GASR to air out my emotional dirty laundry xD and dude, it's totally okay. I'm happy that I'm not alone. even though I don't want anyone to have to deal with anxiety.

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