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    It has been brought to my attention that a certain piece of art has been repurposed as a badge by the same person who purchased it. I honestly don't mind you guys finding more use for the art (as long as you're not reselling or doing shady stuff). 

    HOWEVER it would be nice to give me a notice to avoid situations where people message me that it's stolen (thanks to everyone who noticed this) and I have to go on a hunt to see who got it and what's happening. 

    ALSO editing my art ain't cute. I don't appreciate that. 

    I know I can't stop anyone from doing what they want, and I haven't said anything about it before, but now I did. If you refuse to do this I will refuse to sell you art in the future. Bottom line, cut and dry.



    1. Vaixe


      That's awful. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Jeez :lcrude:

    2. Adorelee


      Totally agree! I've seen some of my free pixels from DeviantArt being edited too; it really sucks ;u;


    3. Vix


      That's crummy on their part. It should just always be assumed that you're not allowed to resell rights/profit rights unless stated otherwise?? I hope everything gets sorted out without hassle :blove:

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