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  1. Heya guys! Got a question for ya'll. :kcheeks:


    Anyone interested in a Storytelling group? Checked the groups and I haven't seen anything related to writing in general. 


    For anyone who likes sharing their stories, big or small ones. Talking about OC's and giving eachother feedback and ideas for backstories of those.

    I know way too many people with wonderful stories about their OC's or stories, almost novels where their OC's actually originate from.

    Would be fun to have an outlet about that stuff on here, or even on discord. 

    Would be having a discord server mainly focused on storytelling and original art aswell. 


    We could even host little Roleplaying channels, chats, threads, whatever. 

    I'm open to hear your opinion on it, so feel free to post what you think, if you like that idea, or if you'd like to be part of this! 

    Or even if you think that's a bad idea :bare:

    Maybe just a discord server, or a group too, or no? :kwave:


    Let me know! 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hope


      Yay I'm glad you think so! Yeah I think a discord server would definitely be fun and rather easy to manage. 

      I also love to write, and I love to read what people have written. :klove:

    3. Xunjo


      I would partake in roleplay threads if they are in groups, but probably not a discord server. Forum style roleplay is a very fun idea, and it's an even better idea to be allowed to in-cooperate our own OC's from GASR! It would give our adoptables, and personally created characters a place to really live. Thankies for this idea @Hope looking forward to this if it happens :klovee:

    4. Hope


      @Xunjo Of course your OC's would be able to parttake in roleplay! Whether it be on discord or in groups, I do think creating different worlds where people can roleplay in, would be fun. 

      I do hope this becomes a thing, it just depends if we gather enough people to make it happen :cutehehehaaas:

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