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  1.  :blush: An update for people who follow my artwork!!! :bapplause:

    I will be putting up a new batch of premades in a week(ish). With those will come a new premade shop!

    I will be cleaning up my current shop and renaming + changing the theme. It's a new year, so it's time

    to revamp everything and start off with some new scenery.

    Commissions will still be closed until further notice. They tend to wreck my mental health - so the hiatus has really helped a lot. However I plan to work on an new chibi/doodle style for those who want a custom, but don't want to wait until my full slots are reopened! 

    Future plans:

    I hope to offer prints of some works in progress when they're finished, as well as offering sticker commissions/premades.

    I'm buying a printer so that I can hand package these things and send them to you lovelies all personalized!! 

    I don't have a set-date for when they will be available, but keep an eye out as I'll most likely post an update when they are.

    If you have any suggestions for upcoming premade themes you'd like to see - feel free to suggest below. :) I love all of your ideas.



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