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Status Replies posted by parvus

  1. A lot of stuff is happening right now!! My computer (I use a wacom MSP 16 i7) has power issues and some other technical failures after just a year and 10 months.. so I called support and they want me to send it in to get it repaired.

    Only bad thing about this: The whole process might take a few weeks in which I won't be able to draw or spend time on a computer at all! I'll be able to reach ArtHaven via mobile only.

    I'll do my best to get commissions to a nearly-done stage (I'm really sick rn and can barely work my real life job) until I need to send my device in.

    This is mostly important for my commissions customers ( @parvus)

    Thank you for understanding! :lazecry:

    1. parvus


      Take your time!! Don’t push yourself too hard there’s no rush ❤️ I hope you get well soon and that they’re able to repair it without complications :bfyes:

  2. Hello, I'm alive and well.
    Should I make a premade store in a few months time?

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