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  1. Hello!!

    I am really grateful with all of you, my dear followers; that's why I want to make a DP raffle today! :lazeflirt:

    Some of you probably know that I did one before and didn't mention any winners, that was because I got banned on that time, but I will name the winner of that one too today.:lazeoverkill:

    (if you'd like to know why I got banned please take sit and grab some tea: I did 4 premades in honor to some famous movie scenes but they had drug usage on it, and I got rosted for not reading the tiny letters on the NSFW rules, I deserved it. Don't draw that kind of stuff, don't be as foolish as me. Thank you to the admins for not vanishing me from this precious land instead)


    SO! I'll be giving this DP to the random winner this Sunday (May 3th)


    For that day I will add some particles moving here and there, and some other animations. You can also edit colors as you like once is yours!

    Feel free to get in saying "I want it", and if you want any color changes in case you win, on comments if you'd like to have this!:lazepeek:



    Also as I am an ugly rat I will ask you for something else, but you can do it only if you want to and it will not let you out of the raffle, I'm not such an ugly rat! :lazeshyplz:

    "What do you like the most of my premades? And, what would you like to see on new ones?"


    That's all! Hope you enjoy it and thanks for all your support and love ♥️ :lazesupersxy:

    1. euntae


      it was may 3th not 30th.

      -slaps herself-

    2. Hiroki
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