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Everything posted by Kamlin

  1. Kamlin

    Custom DP

    Custom for Sippys!

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  2. anna.thumb.png.057a13aaf726ff48c52483d4a6d60b30.png

    I drew my favorite killer, huntress, in the game, dead by daylight  :kwave:

    i love her character design so much :lazetears: also if anyone is interested in commissioning traditional art, feel free to send a message lmao, i'm open to try out anything! 

  3. welp a lot of stuff has happened with family and other issues, result is that im moved out now. i will be posting premades soon and working on my custom shop since im poor af and in desperate need of financial support :/ 


    if anyone has any suggestions for premades, let me know! the next batch is all grunge, creepy, goth, cute girls and i think one cute kitty girl so look forward to those! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kamlin


      thank you both! <3 :llcry:

    3. Aiko


      PYOCs are also a good idea since it allows people to semi customize their piece and choose the colors they want. It would also save you time from having to think of color palettes and you wouldn’t have to make any color changes :blove:

    4. Kamlin


      i was thinking about doing those! Thank you for the suggestion, ill try that out in the next batch! <3:bthanks:

  4. i opened a custom shop! feel free to check it out <3


  5. Hi everyone! I'll be busy with school and family stuff but just wanted to update on stuff,

    These 3 premades are up in my shop:



    For custom shop prices:

    They have been lowered to $23 USD for single dp and $33 USD for couple dp!

    Send a pm if you're interested :>

  6. hi everyone!

    im opening a slot for a private custom order, just send a pm :D

    to view prices, examples, and other info, look under the "my artwork" tab :cutethumbsup:

  7. Kamlin


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  8. Hi everyone!


    I’ll be opening 1 private custom order in the next few days. It will all be handled through private messages and the custom info will probably be under “my artwork” tab. I don’t think I want to open a custom shop just yet since I don’t feel comfortable handling 2 orders at the same time. I just wanted to let you all know in advance and I’ll make another post when I open it officially. :bgoodjob: 

    I’ll definitely continue with premades (working on some now!) so feel free to comment or pm me some suggestions :D


    Thanks everyone, happy holidays ❤️

  9. Hi everyone! :blove:

    I opened my premade shop -> here

    (idk if you can comment in there yet? :o but its up!)


    Here are the available premades I have up:



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kamlin


      @Bugy oooh i see, i think i have to wait for approval! oops, i dont remember doing that last time D:

      ill reply back on here once its approved!

    3. Bugy


      okok , that middle one is so cute, i hope i have enough funds for it ;-;

    4. Kamlin


      its open now ^_^ 

  10. Hi everyone! :blove:


    I don't know if any of you remember me, it has been a long time since I logged on here. I've been taking a break from commissions for a while to focus on school and my well-being. I was doing okay in early summer, I mostly suffered from art block, which made me unmotivated in a lot of stuff I enjoyed doing. 


    As of recently, I finished my fall semester! :) It was really stressful, and I know it's only going to get more stressful as I go on lol. During these recent months, I'm going through a rough patch with family matters and my mental state. I started therapy thankfully, but of course, I'm still kind of ????? sad and anxious mostly :\  It's hard to talk about but I thought I should give a general overview of what has happened. Since my semester is over, I no longer work at my college (i was a peer mentor!). Which is why I thought I should start doing commissions again! I took an art class this Fall and I felt happy to just draw freely instead of working on the nightmare of calculus 2 :wacry:


    I hope you all understand and I'm sorry if I inconvenienced you with orders in the past. I'll try my best to work on commissions at a good pace with my well-being and family situation currently :)


    I'm working on premades now, I hope to have 2 out by tomorrow or Monday. 

    Thank you for reading :> feel free to message me about anything :byaslove:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hiroki


      Welcome back!

    3. Kamlin


      @Bugy Thank you so much <3 🥺 I’m glad you’re well!

      @Hiroki Thank you! <3

    4. Babygirl


      I'm glad your back, I always enjoyed your art :byaslove:

  11. putting up 2 premades and opening up a custom shop tomorrow!

    idk what time but im guessing anytime around 5pm-10pm est

  12. hi everyone! :klovee:


    finished my exam today and been running on very little sleep (about 1hr and 30 mins rn LOL) T___T hopefully this weekend i am able to do atleast 2 premades and put them up sometime sunday-tuesday

    i hope to get a custom shop also open this week coming up since i wont be as busy and its the week before spring break (ill def have a custom shop open by then and hopefully doing plenty of orders over break if i have little hw)

    ANYWAYS im just glad to be finished with this long week ! (i also managed to get NJ tickets for bts so i guess that makes up everything rightt)

    1. Bugy


      ayee bts <3 good job im jealous lmao

  13. premade shop is open ♡ 


  14. hi everyone! :blove:

    i managed to complete 2 premades/examples, i think ill put them up tomorrow after i make a premade shop :)

    i tried a new art program so it was kinda difficult at first! the first one is just like a painting style (btw its inspired by yeji from itzy!) and the second one is mostly lineart! (cant tell if my art style has changed at all LOL)


    ok its 7am i should prob sleep T_T

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Naptime
    3. Hiroki


      :lldance: Looking forward to your shop! I am up to getting the first one! If I make it on time. super cute!

    4. EmiSArakan


      So getting the second one! 

  15. wow hi everyone :lldepress:


    i might get back into drawing.. maybe open a shop :0 its been a while!


    im still in school rn lol but i really miss drawing and gasr :( im doing really good this semester, academically and mentally, it feels so nice to be at a stable point in my life :blush: im currently still doing my computer science track (T_T) and i decided to do an art minor which has recently made me feel more enthusiastic and passionate about drawing, which is something i havent felt in a long time!


    ill try some examples this week and see how it comes out :O idk if anyone remembers me or even is interested in my art anymore, but hopefully im able to start fresh soon :bhee: 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Remba


      Welcome back babe! I missed you and your art! I’m glad to hear you are happy and healthy now and are getting back into making digital art! I’m excited to see the art you post again :klove:

    3. Kamlin


      hii everyone! thank you sm for the kind words! :klovee: i missed you all!

    4. EmiSArakan


      We still remember you love. And if always waiting for you to return ^^ Don't stress yourself too much <3 

  16. hello my lovely followers :alienunce:

    i would be happy if yall voted for bts - fake love on this poll  :bfpervyflirt: takes about 1 second


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kamlin


      its what fake love deserves :ooohyas:

    3. Ayumi


      YEEESS i support dis x

    4. Kamlin


      we are loving and supporting bts in this house! :whatwherewhen:

  17. BonyMessyAlligator-max-1mb.gif

    WHEW im so mad right now im legit fuming i cant

    1. Stargazer


      what happend Dx

    2. Kamlin


      ahh some issues but its fine now :bfhaa:

  18. uh hey everyone i have a question

    what do i do when someone hasnt responded to my message over a week about a custom?

    im just waiting for payment but they literally dipped lmao idk what to do should i just sell it as a premade? they wanted major changes on it and weren't satisfied w the end result anyways

    july 15th was their last response and its just art sitting there so idk :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vix


      Definitely! People think that because they didn't like a piece that they ordered that they don't have to pay for it. What fails to be seen is that regardless of whether it's what they wanted or not, an artist still spent time and effort to follow through with an order, so not paying is completely rude and inconsiderate. Sell it for sure, because if that particular customer won't pay, find someone who will :fingerguns:

    3. Kamlin


      thanks everyone for the advice!! ill sell it then <3 

      lmao yes i meant june 15th hhh idk why i said july??  :NOOOOO:

  19. HEY YALL



    1. YasmineDoesArt


      Weeeelp. Thanks for the new obsession! 😍😍😍😍😍

  20. Kamlin


    something that i actually completed for once ;_;

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