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  1. It's me again - your friendly neighborhood flower with some announcements! :applause:

    Is your summer dull and boring? Are you spending your afternoons day dreaming? Are you a writer or an artist? Then please check out our current mature event: Try to Catch Me Writing Dirty (this link is NSFW and only available to users 18+)! 


    And while I have your attention this is a last call for our Staff/Application Survey as it will be closing at midnight (GASR time)! This is a great opportunity to come forward with questions, concerns, or thoughts about our staff team/application process. We really want to hear your honest opinions! If you aren't sure about how the survey works, then tag me below and I'll do my best to get back to you quickly!

    If you made it this far, then thank you for reading. Please open the spoiler below for a cute snake with a flower as a sign of my appreciation!




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