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  1. so I'm really curious about what has IMVU people been up to lately (for those who still play)?


    - Is it still cool to make friends on there? (Meeting genuine people that you don't have to be fake towards to, to be friends)

    - Does any of your really good friends still go on often and do y'all get to reminisce the past with each other and talk about daily life problems? 

    - Do you only go on there to check out what's new in the Shops and play "dress up" until you're bored or run out of fashionista ideas to dress your avatar?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Naptime


      I just repaint or what videos until friends come into my room. It can be kinda boring but i love using it to joke around and all that nice crap with friends.

    3. Amputate


      I still go on to talk to friends, make badges, products, and graphics for groups / friends. Imvu hasn't been too boring for me.

    4. Sam


      @Dykz I got ya added! C:

      @iiHarlu I get you on many levels of dress up LOL. I LITERALLY BOOKMARK OUTFITS.

      @Hailee I feel the same way too.. :'c But eyy, if the people commenting on this wanna still play IMVU, i'm all for it. :bgoodjob:

      @Naptime Aww i'm glad you and your friends still kinda play c: That's the ol' stuff I miss <3 Drawing and jokin

      @Amputate Ooo okay, I hope you don't mind if I could add you ouo/ Aand please let me in on these active groups/friends, i'm intriggggued! 

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