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  1. Today, I woke up to my dog dead. She was an older female dog, so she died most likely because of old age, but I still wish it didn’t happen. She was one of the sweetest dogs ever and I’ll miss her. She gave me the best cuddles and the best tail-wags once I opened a bag of dog treats. Not only did that happen, but my man left me as well. Now, my day was very eventful. How about you guys? :lazetears:

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    2. Nikki


      @Naptime - It's alright, today was a good day. At work today someone brought a lil doggo so it was like she came to say goodbye to me since I didn't have the chance to. That was nice. I'm sure things will get better, I just need to keep my head up high! Positive vibes only allowed! I got this! :fingerguns:

      @Ivyx - I know, I know. I'm just worried that seeing a new dog in my home will make me even more sad at the moment because of everything that has happened. I might try getting a new doggy in a month or two once I heal a little bit from this, just to be safe. I want to do it, so i'll definitely do it in the future sometime. Thank you for your wishes, darling. Same goes to you. :cutehehehaaas:

    3. Ivyx


      I totally understand that! It is very hard to recover from. I can understand how it'd make you sad though, letting yourself process for a bit seems a very good choice. Hope you have a better week dear. :blove:

    4. Nikki


      @Ivyx - Thank you for the positive feedback! I appreciate it. I decided that is what I will do. I'm sure next week will be better. :cutehehehaaas:

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