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  1. I want to start working on bigger formats, I'd love to draw full bodies. But I guess it's time to start working outside GASR:pthinking:

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    2. Anneke


      @Pup Yes I know! but I lso know that people tend to order for smaller canvas due to the format that IMVU uses (not everyone tho) and of course prices have a lot to do with it, because again people is used to pay less for smaller formats. :psobbing:

    3. Slug


      I get super frustrated with this. Cause I see some dps on here that sell for the price of a super big art on other sites. Thats not to throw shade or anything, but sometimes I'm just like hmmmmmm. I'm glad people can sell their creations they put hard work into, whatever size it may be. I prefer to buy and draw large art personally that way I can actually print it out and hang it in my house. Or use it as a desktop wallpaper :>

    4. Aiko


      A good way to branch out of the smaller size canvas is to draw at a larger size, then provide crops for those who want them. It may not be at the point where you'll be 100% free of the smaller sizes, but it's a good way to help phase out of it. You'll notice that while there's still quite a few artists who offer DP sizes only, there are an increasing amount of those trying larger canvas sizes. Prints are also something that are becoming more prevalent. 


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