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  1. I just want to say that a whole month has passed since I made a post about a guy I was dating, finally today we both took our own ways, It didn't end well at all, we had a fight before and we stoped talking for some days, he finally wrote me back apologizing about what happened, we were supossed to be fixing that problem when we started fighting again , we had a big ass discussion and finally he wrote me the rest of the stuff he couldn't say, at the very end of his message he told me "Vete a la verga" the equivalent of "Go fuck yourself" in english, which is a pretty RUDE insult here in Mexico. Yall can't imagine how shitty I felt. He said he didn't want anything to do with me anymore and then he unfriend me and blocked me from social media.

    I'm pretty hurt right now, I should have followed your advices and now I feel really stupid, I know that things didn't happen the best way but it was the right thing, I won't ever talk to him again, this type of thing... I won't let it happen again, I have learned from this experience, it wasn't a good relationship but I got so used to it that it felt normal... I was so wrong.


    I just wanted to vent with someone, i'm sorry if I'm being cringy right now, lol. Not the best moment of my life.

    1. Hopey


      im glad this is a lesson for you in the future- but i hate that it ended that way for you ): 


    2. Bedlam


      Sometimes it's better to end things dramatically with cutting all ties. I don't know the whole story, but at least you won't be tempted to see him again. He was your normal but you will adjust. It will be hard but eventually it will stop hurting.

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