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Posts posted by Togi

  1. So since my laptop is currently broken I’ve been drawing a bit on my phone.. I ended up drawing my OC Togi since it’s been hellas and honestly loving the outcome so far especially since I wanted to do it in pixels

    here’s the big canvas, though this one isn’t colored cause at first I wasn’t wanting it to have color



    and here’s the dp crop which I’m coloring, the lines are a bit blurry since I had to size it down a bit so it’s not all that pixely like I wanted


  2. Hellos I'm Kai, pronouns are they/them, he/him. Oof I suffer from a lot of things way to many to list honestly hahah. Ehm I'm 16 currently a junior in high school, but being home schooled due to my anxiety eheh. I'm a very shy and quiet person uhm I tend to keep to myself a lot because I don't really know how to express my feelings? Though I am a blunt person and I tell it how it is.. I'm a great listener so if you ever need someone to talk to I'm always available ^^ I have many passions in life but my main one is art.... Soooo thats me I guess cx

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  3. Oof Hai hai

    Ehm I'm Kai.. my pronouns are They/Them and He/Him.. my hobbies are sleeping, drawing, going on small walks, reading, and listening to music..

    I'm a very shy and quiet person when it comes to meeting people x.x I tend to keep to myself a lot and suck at holding a convo QuQ

    My sexual orientation is Pansexual buh I've mostly dated guys and am now taking a long break from relationships :3

    I am a pretty chill and laid back person and a decent listener so if you need someone to vent to I'm always here ♥


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