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  1. i'm ready to have a mental break down i suck at drawing so bad i don't know why i wanna cry so bad I'M STRESSING


    1. Bedlam


      Take a deep breath. 

      You are not bad at drawing. 

      If you are feeling down the only way to get better is to keep going.

      Even when things look funky and all hope seems lost.

    2. Mars


      thank you i'm trying i'm in one of these moments where i feel like i'm just awful at my artwork and it doesn't turn out the way i want it and its like nobody how many breaks i take its endless lol :lazerollcry:

    3. Bedlam


      Everything takes time. Have patience with yourself. 

      Or just accept that your art isn't perfect and try to enjoy yourself instead of trying to impose such high standards on yourself and being unhappy.

      (altho I looked through your gallery and was like jfc this girl gots skills)

      We all have those days / months / years.

      One year I literally only made like 4 pictures. 

      Some people get blessed with being able to create their vision in seemingly no time. 

      Some people it takes a long time.

      But that's ok

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