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  1. Anyone in need of a legit friend ? I need a best friend.

    Someone I can talk to about anything and be on call with throughout the day while taking care of my little one ; or gaming.
    Hadn't had one of those in years. I've tried making friends, but they all disappear or have better things to do. 


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    2. Kat


      @Charm Will do ! Have you got discord ?

      @Buni Sure ! Do you have discord ? I can see what games you've got !

      @Rosebud I'm actually the same way when it comes to calls ; I normally start off with just text talk before I call. I call because it's

      much easier to communicate that way while gaming / drawing and taking care of my daughter than to respond via text. 


      @Wrath Calls are much easier for me considering I'm always busy or working on art. The mom life makes it hard for me to respond

      ASAP when it comes to text unless it's real late or she's down for a nap. ( Just like right now it took me about an hour to respond x'D )

      @Tamatoa I wouldn't mind ! Just beware ; as a mom I rarely respond that's why calls are much easier for me. It gives me the ability to have

      free hands, especially during my free time which I game or work on art. 

      @Saiko Heyyyy !

      @Dayzie I no longer use IMVU unfortunately, but I do have discord ? 

      Thank you all for such the sweet replies ; it means a lot ! It's just very difficult for me to find friends honestly ; especially with my schedule and having a daughter. 
      I use my free time to game or work on art, which is why I very much prefer calls in time - or you'd be expecting replies sometimes hours and hours later. 


    3. Princessu


      Aw mom life here too!! My bestfriend is my own daughter aaaah lol. What do you play on? I've been super addicted to Destiny 2 on the Xbox One and need peeps to play with. :/ Really sucks playing fun games with little to just no people on games that do well with like 5 players on your team /sob/. I get sad tho, all my 'friends' irl always make plans and it really perks me up looking forward to something /finally/ but then  they ditch the last second, always. It kind of makes me really sad I have so much bottled up.

    4. Buni
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