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  1. I think my computer is slowly dying ; I had to reset the PC / reinstall windows 10 and it still seems to be crashing ONLY when I'm gaming. Saying something about

    a file being missing or a file being rejected - I don't know. The computer has great specs, it is old - but I've been told something is just up. Anyone good with computers

    and would like to help me ? Hit me uuuup. :x_xKIT:

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    2. Kat


      @Marina @Wrath I thought it was just the game as well, but it happens with any game. I have a great graphics card, and I always keep my settings to low anyways to be on the safe side. It'd run smooth no problem a couple rounds then all of a sudden freeze / I can access my start menu but I can't do anything- I can still hear my friends talking in the background also and sometimes I myself can even hit my push to talk and say something.

      Driver doesn't need updated - I have checked that as well. CPU usage is great also. I've also tried verifying any corrupted files in command prompt. I've done a crap ton of what people have suggested and nothing ever seems to

      be working. The errors mostly come up with windows issues, windows 10 basically. :(

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