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    Little update on my arm and the coming weeks!

    I can almost stretch and use my arm to it's fullest, but there's still a slight numbness in my wrist and holding a pencil for too long sends stings down my arm, so I do have to take it easy for a week or two, I hope much less.  I'm practicing a lot of yoga to get the neurotic pain out of my arm, and I believe it's slowly working. 


    Unfortunately I have a huge ass report to write for university, and can't really dodge it's deadline lol so I hope I won't overload my arm with that. :bcri:


    For the coming month I will focus on event art (secret santa, maybe the charity event too again) personal art and my next premade collection. I already have a ton of ideas but I will have to postpone them a bit for now! :lazetears:



    I have also received a ton of PM's asking for custom art. Until I'm recovered I will not accept any private commissions. I will not promise dates anytime soon to avoid possible strain on myself. When the time to do customs again is right, I will inform all of you with another status update and have things ready here on my profile. :lazesxy: Bless you all for the support though, it means so very much and motivates me. :byaslove:



    Happy thanksgiving to the Americans under us. Stay safe from the cold and enjoy all the coming festivity!  



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ophelia


      you go dad! so proud of u! :cutehehehaaas:

    3. Dayzie


      Best wishes for a complete and speedy recovery!

      Take care of YOU indeed!



    4. Martinus


      @Dykz :walove:


       @OpheliaHikai I'm proud of you too, always :boh:


       @Dayzie I will do just that, thank you Jennifer. :blove: I'm so excited to just do art, but a little bit more patience will help me rather than rushing myself with risk of repeating injury. 

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