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Everything posted by food

  1. food


    I love your style and this character! They flow together so well !!
  2. food


    This is precious. I love your style <3 I love refsheets so much and you nailed it, especially for your first time aa
  3. My OCs: https://toyhou.se/splootz/characters Screenies: https://www.imvu.com/photos/album/140934374/203359153/ Text(if needed): Mon Extra: You may sell the screenies as premades if you'd like! I don't mind c: Please just show me the result, I'd love to see!! Absolutely no selling anything with my OCs!!
  4. food


    I'm hyped to see what this will become. This looks so pretty!!
  5. food

    Collab Auction

    omgggggg, I'm in love Would you ever open commissions like this?
  6. working on a superhero harley,because it's one of my favourite designs and I love Amanda Connor <3
  7. hello everyone!


  8. dont mind me, just blessing the radar


    1. Ariana


      cursed image

  9. food


    Your animations are suberb!
  10. AAA I am really proud of this! The character was also such a blessing to work with, and is utterly adorable! The character is owned by Plush@IMVU

    • 0 B
    • x
  11. i'm literally an idiot,,,, it took me like 7 hours to find the radar,,,,

    1. Stargazer


      I couldn’t find it at all last night don’t feel bad

    2. food


      I thought they completely removed it at first LOOL

  12. food


    aaa this is absolutely stunning!! And the story behind it is so intriguing, too!!
  13. Does anyone need refs for a character?

    I'm kind of in the mood to do one. Will do it free if I like your character :D

    1. Pey
    2. FayeDraws


      hihi ty bb for considering 



    3. Katnipxo


      Could really use one for my babe since she has a lot to her ;-;


  14. food


    I highkey want him, but it in a different meaning LMAO
  15. Hi, guys! I'm selling pretty much all characters here - https://toyhou.se/splootz/characters (except Rana)

    Most characters have their worth in their description, but I'm willing to haggle and go cheaper.


    I desperately need $30 to buy a badge tile, so any help would be appreciated! I would also give my badge away for free for anyone who buys an adopt/donates



  16. It saddens me that some people are so wealth-infatuated and think money is all.

    It just seems more people are drawn to gold, rather than truly rare golden hearts.


    I honestly cannot disagree that wealth isn't something we all strive for, but there's a difference between being money obsessed, and simply being rich by heart.

    1. Daniella


      Couldn't agree more! 

      truth preach GIF

  17. Man, 14 year old me use to think I was so cool for having half-red half-black hair but now it seems like everyone and their OCs have it LOL

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. food


      I'm,,,,, so confused with what you mean? @Caedis Did I miss something that was posted?

      This isn't harrassment at all, I'm sorry if it seemed that way?

    3. Aiko


      All previous comments have been removed from this status. Please note that the post was not directed towards anyone in particular but the conversation that had occurred in response to your status. 


      If you or anyone else has any questions in regards to this, please pm me and I will answer them to the best of my ability. 


    4. food


      ohhhhhhh, this makes a lot more sense now. Thank you! You can now disregard the message I sent,too! Thank you! I was not aware that there were other comments, as I was at work and did not see them and thought the warning was against me.

  18. So just curious, how do you guys pronounce gasr?

    I say Gas-ar

    Some say Gas-er. 


  19. food


    omg my frog oc would adore yours LOL love frog themes <3 this is beautiful! and the animation is so smooth!
  20. food

    Two sides of a coin

    Aw, I'm sorry to hear that, but at least you got this beautiful artwork out of it : )
  21. food

    Two sides of a coin

    omg this is gorgeous,and I love DBH! You should try selling this as a print or something, it's glorious and I would SO buy!
  22. Hello! To everyone waiting on a raffle piece from me - 


    I apologize for being so slow! Life has been hectic, but I'm trying my best to do all of these quickly for you guys! Please know that I'm not scamming you, and didn't disappear. I'm sorry for the long wait!

    1. Stargazer


      Take all the time you need hun! Life gets crazy for us all at times

  23. food

    Beach boy Soubi

    helloooooo there wow, I haven't read Loveless in awhile! I miss it!
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