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Status Updates posted by Poofy

  1. Hello Beautiful people, I have a friend who I've known for years and is in need of help if anyone would be willing to donate and lend a hand in need she would be very grateful.


  2. When you call your internet company cause the wifi isn't working and they're all like yaaaah sorry we aren't gonna fix it 😠

    1. Amy


      lol wtf, u should complain about this and contact their social media pages 

  3. When you get art of yourself and your cat you know you are a true crazy cat person xD

  4. Birthday plans will be boring today V_V

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Levudazed


      H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y!

      try to enjoy it 

    3. Vaixe


      Happy birthday <3

    4. Angel


      HAPPY BIRTHDAYY :llampret:

  5. I wonder how many people really just visit my profile just to listen to the music

  6. Q-Q I have to pay back my mom $200 for taking my kitten to the vet since he's on anti nausea meds and stuff for his tummy....

  7. do you ever feel like disappearing and knowing nobody would care if you were gone.....

    1. Y0UI


      i feel the same way sometimes 🙂 but remember there's always someone who do care for you 

  8. I think i may get back into doing my poetry again... the voices won't stop hurting me

  9. Sad when you have a idea for art and have no skills at all... all i can do is come up with characters QnQ

    1. Fallon


      Same! And now I have like 10 OCs in my stash album. 

  10. My Best friend gave me her old drawing pad I can try and do art now QwQ

  11. My sweet Fuzzy Boy Kuma is in doggy heaven now V_V


    1. mishtiques


      I'm sorry for your loss.

  12. Q_Q I just got my lappy back and I lost all of my beautiful art from everyone I have bought from

  13. >w< I love it when my mom brings home leftover food when she goes out

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