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Status Replies posted by Fallon

  1. can someone tell me how people are getting art from Sorcelly?? I NEED to know!!! 

  2. Next time I’m opening up to someone is my autopsy.

  3. Does anybody have recommendations of artists who do couples?

    1. Fallon


      Awshie, indah, Ukie, mishtiques, KataraKnight

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. This is so disgusting and wrong on so many levels


    I have every reason to believe that the art theft is a user from this site, so watch out guys! 


    1. Fallon


      Filthy things people to do when they're desperate for money. 

      dos equis facepalm GIF by Dos Equis Gifs to the World

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. This is so disgusting and wrong on so many levels


    I have every reason to believe that the art theft is a user from this site, so watch out guys! 


    1. Fallon


      Ahh...I see. I never used this version of my DP at IMVU before and this the first time for me using it here and then in less than 24 hours it got stolen. :bfcreep: So I think that 'someone else' is probably from this site lurking and stealing DPs from others. I tried to message her but she is somehow 'smart' this time as she set her message settings to friends only so I just directly file the DMCA report.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. I would like to share with all my fellow gasrians that today I walked across stage and received my diploma. I could barely process all of it because it's unbelievable that I made it this far. Honestly, I didn't think I would of graduated because I've been through so much in the past years dealing with my depression and anxiety as well as getting bullied. I went through a dark road and it wasn't pretty but I made it! I am finally proud to say I actually accomplished something great. I'm the 3rd one to graduate in my family and it's amazing. I would like to thank everyone on here because you guys are amazing and you do anything!! Here's a picture of me with my diploma!!!



  7. Hit me up with some basic relatable Halloween characters.

  8. Discussion: Which is better- 

    Witches or ghosts? 


  9. Videos no longer auto play >:

    1. Fallon


      It's because Chrome has changed the setting to stop auto play videos in their latest update. To revert this change, paste this url on your browser: 


      and then change its value to "No gesture required". Relaunch your browser and problem should go away. 


      Info taken from: http://gaf210.imvustylez.net/codes/html-goodies/youtube-player

  10. May the best man win


  11. Sad when you have a idea for art and have no skills at all... all i can do is come up with characters QnQ

    1. Fallon


      Same! And now I have like 10 OCs in my stash album. 

  12. really for some one who  has 10yrs on imvu did this 😮  stealing my dp an adding her name that throughhelightx made




    1. Fallon


      Just inform the original artist about the stolen dp and they will file the DMCA.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. Bless the rain 🐻


    1. Fallon


      The weather is not getting any better. Just pray that it will rain later 


    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  14. Secret confession: The disney classics music on your profile has become one of my favorites. 

  15. GOODBYE 2017

    New Years Water GIF

    HELLO 2018

    "There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind"

    ― C.S. Lewis


    Download by givenchydollyIMVU

  16. I'm so sorry this is late, sweet, but thank you for the gift on IMVU. You're an absolute cutey!:candy_cane_by_maarui-daqzarf:

    1. Fallon


      Your're welcome doll bunny love by rnorals

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