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Everything posted by Fallon

  1. Somehow I enjoyed listening to this. Please tell me that I'm not crazy. 


  2. Fallon


    A: My dream job is to be a supermodel because I always had a keen interest in fashion and I also love to see myself on fashion magazines. Q: If you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you do all day?
  3. Some people are just like trees, they take forever to grow up. 🤦🏼‍♀️

  4. And sometimes, all we need is a break from reality.

  5. Being able to draw is like having so much power like you could draw  yourself making out with your favorite character and no one can stop you. :erlmo:

  6. Being shy and having resting b face is the worst combination because I look like an uninterested b*tch but in reality I really want to socialize but I just don't know how to initiate conversation with strangers and also this is just my face. 😐🤦🏼‍♀️

  7. Do you ever look at clothes online and cry? Because I do 😪😰

  8. Fallon


    A: Q: What always cheers you up when you think about it?
  9. Fallon


    A: Definitely Coke. Q: If you wanted to slowly drive a roommate insane using only notes, what kind of notes would you leave around the house?
  10. I can't resist their cuteness :klove:


    1. Cymette


      I saw this the other day! It comes out the day before my mom's birthday and I'm so excited to take her. 

  11. Fallon


    A: I think it's a song by Tina Turner Q: Are you a morning or night person?
  12. Fallon


    A: I have always wanted a dog, but the place I live in doesn't allow pets ;A; Q: What do you like to do on a rainy day?
  13. Ended the semester with a 4.0 GPA! So happy all the handwork and having no social life paid off. 

    Blake Shelton Yes GIF by The Voice

  14. Fallon


    A: Q: Which TV family is most like your own?
  15. Fallon


    A: Chanel N°5 will forever be my favorite scent. If you ask me to live with just one scent, that will be it. Q: As a child, what did you think would be awesome about being an adult, but isn’t as awesome as you thought it would be?
  16. Fallon


    A: No, I don't. Q: How long can you go without checking your emails or texts?
  17. I want to get a new tattoo but I have no one to come with me 😞 

  18. Fallon


    A: The dark ones Q: Would you rather have an extra $200 a day or an extra 2 hours a day?
  19. Fallon


    A: Tall people Q: iOS or Android?
  20. Me at the bookstore

    Me: No

    Me: I can't have you

    Me: Stop staring at me

    Me: I already have five books at home I need to read

    Me: You're beautiful but I can't

    Me: Please don't do this to me

    Me: STOP

    Book: But baby I want you

    Me: ....

    Me: *Buys ten books*

  21. Fallon


    A: Probably a super model Q: If you had an extra $100 to spend on yourself every week, what would you do with the money?
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