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  1. Hello guys, I need your opinions! What do you think about hourly wage? I'm a fast artist and try to make everything quickly for my customers, but it still takes me a few hours. I work a full time job I get educated at, so I get paid less than a normal worker gets. So I need to earn a few extra pennies in my free time to pay bills. Usually a complete artwork with detailed shading takes me 8 - 9 hours. Detailed characters might take longer. With my current pricing I won't survive for long. At the moment a detailed headshot/portrait costs around 22-30€. I tend to charge less than it's "worth" to keep my customers. Should I put an hourly wage of like 2-3€? Or would that be a bad idea? Long story short, please help me in the comments! Thank you! <3

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    2. Catt


      Hopefully they're honest. In the end loyal customers will pay you what they think you deserve no matter what the price. If price goes up a bit I'm sure you'll still have those customers that are willing to pump in the little extra. I wish you the best of luck tho hun. :blove:

    3. Vix


      To be completely honest with you, not a lot of people in this community are stingy so I would like to believe that if you put a poll up people would generally be honest. Yeah, you'll get a few people putting the cheaper option to potentially fit their price range but it's usually only a few votes if the majority is elsewhere. 


      Something else to consider would be if you had a few styles you could always have a cheaper option to cater to those who may not be able to afford the normal price, to the people who want the OG style they'd be willing to pay. I think that would bring a lot more honesty into the polls considering there would be options :klovee:


      Another suggestion would be to start at a base price: i.e.: $30 and for detail, time, and effort add onto the base price. I'm not sure if you're doing a system like this already, but under the base price I'd put a disclaimer that not everything is included into the base price, so if you wanted animals or extra details, it could go up depending on the difficulty.


      Hope I provided a bit of insight :lazesxy:

    4. Kirbee


      @Arianna Thank you so much for your insight! You're right, a poll would quickly solve the problem. I actually put one up a few hours ago! :klove:


      Also, yea, I already use this kind of system. But then I face a few problems. I'm afraid of charging extra for difficulty, I'm afraid people would not want to pay for the extra fee due to the details their character has. :lazecry:


      I only have one style, so they'll have to stick to that. If they like it, I'm sure they're going to order anyway.. right? :bfhaa:

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