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Status Updates posted by Serpens

  1. Why are all of your Oc' S so cute and aesthetically pleasing 


    1. Cymette


      I don't know. Why are yours? :lazehehe:
      And thank you. Some of them have been purchased from artists (namely Capsule, Deth, and Dykz). The rest come to my imagination and mature slowly over time. A lot of my OCs actually don't get artwork and remain strictly in my writing. It is only the chosen few that you see!

    2. Serpens


      Do you have character sheets for any of them yet?

    3. Cymette


      Sadly not :lazecry:
      I'm on the fence about character sheets. When I see them, I really love them and think it's a fantastic idea - especially to give as a reference for artists. If I find an artist who does custom sheets in a style I really like, then I may get some. It'll be a slow process though. Art ballin' on a budget over here.

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