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Everything posted by MysticHive

  1. she's 100 usd because it also comes with a bigger piece and 2 things you can change or add
  2. @ Vec so sorry iv been quite busy, but it's still avaliable
  3. Hey everyone! my account got hacked, and i can't get it back due to them also hacking my emails and other things :psobbing:

    So iv made a new account due to it, who ever hacked my account if your still active on it. thank you for hacking my things and i hope its everything you wanted. I can't be bothered trying to get this account back due to you hacking my email and other things, so have them. My new user will now be mysticHive. I'm still momokaze on Instagram though since i used a different email for it. But ill always be momokaze cause that is a sacred name to me.. But sorry to everyone that followed me on here if you ordered art from me or anything i hope noones been tricked by this person. i lost this account around December? i think I'm not sure exactly because i was moving around the time.

    1. Sweeten


      So sorry to hear that happened! I hope all is well 🧡 

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