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Status Updates posted by Remba

  1. Hey guys! @Baah has this adorable couple piece up for sale for $45 please go check it out! 


    Can purchase this baby in her premade shop! 


    1. Baah


      sailor moon eyes GIF

      Thank you love!! 

  2. Welcome love! :klove:

  3. Guys don’t forget to check out this cute adopt collab by @Baah and @Adorelee, It ends soon so bid while you still can! 


  4. Someone send help... How do you buy elite for someone else? I can't seem to figure it out so if someone could help a girl out that'd be awesome ;-;


    if it's right in front of my face and I missed it I'm gonna be sad ;_;

    Little Women La Reaction GIF by Lifetime

    1. Stargazer


      i dont think theres a way for that aside when the buy one get one deal was going on but i could be wrong

    2. Remba


      Nooooo ;-; man

  5. So I have a question, if you buy the valentines cards and enter the address for the person you’re giving it to will it send it directly to them?

    1. Remba


      Okay thank you love! 

  6. Welcome to Gasr, B! :klovee:

    1. Rosey


      Awe thank you love :klove:

  7. So I’m taking a long break from Gasr, I’m not sure when I’ll be back. But for the people I got customs from I will be available through pm on here

    1. Kei


      Hope everything's ok !!

  8. I’ve come to the conclusion that people just suck. :smh:

  9. Selling her for $50, need the payment sooner rather than later so unfortunately I’m not taking holds 




  10. Soo... my bank account is in the negatives so if I could sell some of these adopts or this premade that’d be great :lazerollcry:

    Bunny ($72)Lily ($35), or Lyric ($35)

  11. Selling this beauty too, pm if interested!

  12. Selling these beauties, prices are under them in the sta.sh.

  13. Random question but is it possible to purchase/gift the elite membership for someone else? 

    1. Kat


      Yes it is. :) 

  14. Also selling these, prices are under them. Dm me if interested!

  15. Reselling this beauty for $25 please comment or pm me if you’re interested! 


    **note: Not holding due to needing the money ASAP, sorry for the inconvenience**


  16. She’s still available for $55 ❤️ 


    Pm me if interested 

  17. Reduced the price on this beauty.  Please pm me if you’re interested! :kcheeks:

  18. This baby is still available if anyone’s interested! ❤️

  19. Selling these piecessince I don’t use them and the prices are under them! Let me know if you’re interested!

  20. Sucks when I have an alarm set for 6am because I start at 7:30 and I have yet to sleep and it is already 4am. :lazetears:

    1. Baah


      That was me last night. 


      Four day vacations really get yah. 

  21. Anyone know who made this? 




    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Ivyx


      HI BABE :cutehehehaaas: I knew it I'd recognize that buttery smooth blending anywhere!

    3. Luxure


      Thank you for tagging me! @Notiva

      Update on the situation: I did reach out to the girl yesterday and I told her that she did not have permission to use the artwork and that I'd take action if necessary. I just checked a moment ago and I have no response from her but she has changed the DP. Possibly something that belongs to someone else? I have no clue. 

    4. Remba


      I messaged the person that owns the art piece that the girl currently stole so hopefully it get taken down

  22. Does anyone know of someone that makes "about me" tables? I've tried to make one of my own and I failed miserably.. So if someone could help a girl out that'd be great because I'm hopeless :lazerollcry:

    1. Aiko


      Bab, I'll help you if you want! I'm sure @Taehyung will help too. He helped me with the other one I had cx 

  23. Okay so my spending on art has been out of control so after I pay for the pieces I've already ordered and received them I will no longer be spending money on art because I need to get my life together ;-; So if I post a form in your custom/premade shop please do me a favor and decline it because I lack self control. :lazerollcry:

    1. Nikki


      Me too LOL. 

    2. Emberly


      I third this xD

  24. Finally a day off and guess who is gonna stay home and binge watch anime or some halloween themed movies on netflix


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