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Status Updates posted by Katoxpinyin

  1. NEW premade shop!!: 


  2. I think I will raise my prices soon enough because rent is too hard to pay and compared to other artists I feel like a cheap ass . _ .

  3. Please help me price this:  :lazetears::lazetears::lazetears:



  4. Who's making an adoptable first time in yearsRelated image



  5. When you find money you forgot about / thought you lost


  6. Hii // I now have an artstation account: https://www.artstation.com/tkatomika

    Also completed all my commissions and have open slots:


  7. Last night I slept 2 hours to finish a project for today's exam and the teacher said she'll fail everyone 5 minutes in.. And she did fail everyone :lldepress:

    I could have slept.. 

    I have another exam tomorrow and no time to sleep:kehehehe:

  8. I know its not even been 24 hours since I complained about something but hold on

    I got on the train, it traveled for 10 minutes to the next station, and then they announced we'll wait here an hour for another delayed train to pass. 

    I dontneven..  Sigh

    But hei,  to end in a good mood,  I finished Violet Evergarden last night, awesome anime, recommend it. 

  9. You know, it's not nice at all to be 1,62 meters height and have a puffy face, even the cashiers from the corner supermarket talk to you like you're 13 yo brat asdgfgf 

    Sorry i got disrespected and now I'm mad and needed to complain :lazetears:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Katoxpinyin


      @Ophelia that's so cute thank you T A T

    3. Naptime


      :lldesire: Plot revenge.



      Srsly though, im sorry! It sucks, and people suck. I look hella younger than my age too and it does get annoying when people treat you like youre 12. Its one thing to like assume and treat you like you know nothing because you seem younger, and its another thing to just put an age on you and go about their day. 


      Jokes on them tho cus we will be lookin hella cute when we are old.



    4. Katoxpinyin


      @Naptime hell yeah I'll be 13 till I'm 60 yo and then I'll transform into an old lady with wrinkles in just one day, poof.

      wait no I take that back I want to be respected

  10. STOP

    Stop whatever you're doing, you need this in your life asap. You're welcome


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