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  1. I'm so addicted to art too


    There's just too many good artist out there

    And I've seen a bunch of amazing one's you've had and it just

    Makes me want to keep buying more lol!



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    2. ChocolateTentacles


      If you do see any choco mamas yes please!

      That would be super awesome of you to tag me


      And I know what you mean.

      I see people with so many unique ideas for their OCs like jewelry or hair ideas

      I feel so bland with mine lol

      But I would love to see your collection of premades too if you're O.K with it

      I never had the idea to do it honestly but I've seen alot of good ones

      And of course, I would love to help you choose for Y0UI!

      It's going to turn out beautiful, I'm sure of it.


      And Wow Rain looks like she's going to turn out amazing!

      Did you choose the full body piece for this custom?


    3. Emberly


      Okay, I definitely will do that :blove: Yes! I feel the same but at the end of the day if you're happy with the ideas you come up with and how the art turns out that's all that matters. Yes, of course. I'll link my OC's and the art I have so far xD No, sadly I didn't I wasn't sure if I should for rain or not. 


    4. ChocolateTentacles



      I was gonna say the same thing about if you enjoy your creations


      Awww you have a lot of beautiful ones here,

      Crima does great work that I might have to visit her shop again.

      And you have so many OCs! I feel like I need to catch up lol

      I so far only have two

      I was thinking of doing a male one of my crush <///< shush lol but later lol

      And Stash is acting up for me and keeps sending me back to mine for some reason


      I can only see some of them for a mili second before I'm poofed back to my page.

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