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  1. I'm so addicted to art too


    There's just too many good artist out there

    And I've seen a bunch of amazing one's you've had and it just

    Makes me want to keep buying more lol!



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    2. Emberly


      So have I honestly xD 

      I love buying art so much. It's honestly so bad. I love coming up with customs and coming up with ideas for them and I love buying premades also xD It totally makes sense xD 

      I love buying from Angel, Alz, Zelta, Crima and Deth but there is sooo many amazing artist that I have bought from. There are still more I'm waiting to get the money to buy from. I love Y0UI's art but I haven't gotten a custom from her yet. I've been trying to decide what stash I would want to even use from her but I have no idea xD I've just ordered from 12AM so I'm waiting to get something from her! 

    3. ChocolateTentacles


      I need to browse more premade shops but

      I'm not sure if many of them do chocolate mamas


      Oh I love Angel's and Crima and Deth too!

      I only bought from Crima but I haven't seen the other two's shops empty yet lol

      And I know, Y0UI's art is so creative it's hard to choose something

      Her style can be cute, or sexy, or pyscho or pretty much anything

      And her girls always come out so pretty

      And yeah me too!

      What's that idea for 12AM right now? 😄

    4. Emberly


      I've seen quite a few do them. I could tag you whenever I see a chocolate mama premade xD 

      Deth does a few of them very often and they are always so pretty! I always feel like my stash's are just so basic sometimes so I tend to buy a lot of premades :bfnosebleed: Rain is what i'm having 12AM do. Maybe you could help me pick out a couple of OC's that I have that I could possibly have Y0UI do :cutehehehaaas:  

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