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Status Updates posted by LitaLK

  1. Um, does anyone here play on PS4? I feel like adding more friends on it and I have no idea why xD

    1. Catt


      I'll be getting one next month

  2. new video on my youtube channel, felt like sharing it here for no particular reason o_o


  3. this is kinda random but I love to see motion capture stuff done for video games and compare it to the actual scene in the game the mocap was for, such as this


  4. I was bored so posted this just a moment ago on Youtube if anyone wants to watch and comment on my playing :imath:


  5. So I've been confused about this.. which moderator do I contact if I want my art shop re-opened?? I'll start doing some repaints again until I feel like drawing things entirely from scratch..

    1. Flix


      Not sure if you're already figured it out but you'd have to contact a  "Shops & Services" mod (the orange ones) :-)

  6. just posted a new DP in freebies thread, feel free to claim it to yourself :P

    1. Kath


      hey i kinda miss your art xD

  7. How do people even resize pictures from full sized picture to a DP size without getting it all blurry?

    Apparently I'm stupid and don't understand this xD

  8. I don't know how to feel about the amount of kills I have on Assassin's Creed Odyssey (21,186) xD

    Killing people on that game is quite fun though (bandits, soldiers and some others that are considered enemies in the game)

    Felt like posting a status update..

  9. I wonder if there are any artists that would be willing to do a picture of the real me for free..

    Always kinda wondered how I would look when drawn by someone else xD

    Nothing interesting but whatever, it's just a status update


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ophelia


      Did you reply? :boh: I can't see it.

    3. LitaLK


      @Ophelia the damn thing didn't let me submit a reply -_-

      It just said "saving" and I guess nothing happened so whatever

    4. Ophelia


      :bapplause: Weird.. anyways, there's a ton of free shops that do arts and stuff! I have an art shop that I do free art in, feel free to drop by!

  10. Am I actually the only one who could care less about Valentine's Day? I feel like I am :imath:

    1. Baah


      I haven’t celebrated it since I was in middle school haha. Valentine’s Day is every day for meeeeee. :lazesxy:

    2. Vix


      Nah you're not alone, it's supposed to be some widely romantic holiday but me and my bf just ignore it and act like it's every other day of the week. Why designate love for one specific day when you can show it year-round :kwave:

    3. LitaLK


      I wouldn't celebrate the holiday even if I had a boyfriend (I don't), I'm a loner lol

  11. If/when I get my laptop fixed I'm buying a drawing tablet, found one I can actually afford o.o

    I hate to not be able to use my laptop.. it has all types of important things on it ffs......

  12. I've been thinking if I should create some type of custom shop for clothing design stuff, like if somebody requests me to make something and once it's finished I'd send it to that person. Feel like doing that type of thing though it would cost me some money. Might also do dark christmas type of art, either full size, DP or both. Who knows..

  13. Well my laptop seems to be fucked up.. says "scanning and repairing drive" and I have no idea what that means plus it's been stuck on "2% complete" for a couple of minutes now. Like what the hell is happening?? :-_-:

  14. well happy birthday to me I guess xD

    although it's just like every other day


  15. just when I was about to finish the pic I was working on the damn computer decides to restart...

    at least the file was saved so I don't have to start it all over again

  16. Been thinking if I should buy Red Dead Redemption 2. Anyone recommend it?

    Seems like a cool game

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Atlas
    3. TheElf


      Def recommend it! Ima get it when I get my one:blush: The beta test is going on for multiplayer rn too

    4. Daniella


      Super fun so far! A lot of bugs happening in multiplayer since it is beta! Be careful if you answer anyone that screams for help :bfsweat:

  17. just uploaded this on Youtube. this part on Assassin's Creed Odyssey is so epic that I had to upload it xD


  18. did it in a theme I know best xD

    only thing missing is background.

    probably could add a choker and try to draw some tattoos (we'll see how that goes..)


    1. Kath


      i miss your art uwu

    2. LitaLK


      I'll try to draw something as much as I can just try to get back into it. putting them on the freebies thread for now.

      might open the free shop again but have like 1-3 slots so I won't get too overworked with them x_x

  19. I don't even know what I'm gonna do to this.. just trying to do some art again in different style.

    Her face is somehow a bit messed up (the eyes mostly) but I guess I'll fix it.

    Feel free to give me some ideas


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheElf


      Hmmm, could make her like holding her chin if that makes sense or maybe holding something, like a cig? xD

      You got this, girly!! (Could make it holiday day themed, maybe holding a candy cane?)

    3. LitaLK


      I tried to draw a hand but I can't even seem to draw those anymore or at least not as well as I used to, looked weird as hell.... :wauhhh:

    4. TheElf


      Awe, keep trying or just draw her arm by her side to make it easier for you!

  20. My birthday is in few days and it feels weird, I have no idea why. A year seemed to go by so fast :odead:

  21. I would participate in some of the "art making" events that are hosted here but my motivation for making art is an absolute zero...

    The lack of motivation and loss of interest just wouldn't go away even when I did make some art for others at one point :odead:

    I guess I just really have no reason to draw anymore..

  22. I bought the new Spider-Man, now just have to try it xD

  23. Oh it's so fun to walk home from a bus station when it's pouring rain.. not.

    Shoes and clothing got all wet and now have to dry them....

    1. Charm


      Ahh, Whenever I walk home from classes, it rainssss. I feel for youuu :lazetears:

    2. LitaLK


      I like rain but at the same time I hate it xD

    3. Charm


      Right!? It's so relaxing... Until you're walking in it! ^-^

  24. I'm live on Twitch right now. If you want to join feel free to do so, just follow this link: 


  25. I don't even know why I'm always cold no matter where I am.

    Meanwhile everyone else is hot. Like what the hell, it's weird..

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