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  1. Does anyone here play any decent MMO’s? Considering  going back to Aura kingdom..but idk. :lazelaptop:

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Naptime


      I haven't had really a bad experience with ffxiv yet -- mainly everyone has been friendly and willing to help! I think the community is wonderful whether you are casual player or more for like raiding and the "higher" tier stuff.


      If you didn't wanna pay sub though i do suggest revelations online. I really loved that game in beta but stopped after they merged the server with one of the top main ones (its why i suggest joining one of the less crowded servers) because the guilds in the main one don't really give you a chance to participate in guild wars and shit. Overall the game is fun though, just sucks when p2p players kill the fun with the constant slaughter no chance in guild related things. Ofc is enjoyable if you don't do that stuff tho!

    3. Kat


      I used to play Guild Wars 2 a lot, I loved the jump puzzles and there's always a large community. It kind of settles down once you get to the higher levels though since there's just a shit ton of people constantly creating new characters to try out new classes. I've yet to reach max level yet to see how it is , but apparently a lot more people play now , my friend is maxed and does raids and such with a group of max leveled players. Even if you're max level I was told constantly by the community " Ha getting to lvl 80 was literally just teaching you HOW to play the game. After level 80 the real game begins. " So perhaps try this out ? ? ? ? 

      I wish Dream of Mirror was popular again, after suba games dropped it / it died off and now some people don't even know steam brought it back out. It might look plain ( the characters mostly ) but the graphics are beautiful, and the gameplay is like any other. You can become one job, then work your way towards to becoming two jobs and it's just pretty awesome with an amazing story. 

    4. Syerin


      Decided to download and give Revalations a try, tempted to try maplestory 2 I wasn't too keen on the first one with it being a 2d game.  But the second one looks quite fun. :)


      I've heard of Guild Wars but never looked into it! I'll have a look and see if it would be something i'd like.


      Thanks everyone!

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