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Posts posted by Fairycore

  1. ─ G E N E R A L ─


    Name: Virginia

    Nickname: Vee

    Age: 18

    Birthday: March 30th

    Ethnicity: super white

    Gender: Female

    Relationship Status: Single


    ─ P E R S O N A L ─

    What's your Hogwart's House?: Slytherin

    What do you do after work/school?: I don't do either of those things. 

    What's something you love doing?: Eating.

    Describe your personality in 3 words: awkward, insecure, loyal.

    What's your guilty pleasure?: cryaotic

    Are you religious?yes

    Do you shower before or after bed?: before

    What's your pet peeve?: I have a lot but probably being woken up before I'm ready.

    Least favorite word: lazy


    ─ F A V O R I T E S ─

    Favorite Color: combo of light blue/light pink and a cream color.
    Favorite Movie: the last exorcism pt 2/chronicle/the lion king 2 
    Favorite Game: kingdom hearts / nieR: gestalt
    Favorite Animal: snow leopard / white tiger
    Favorite Food: grilled shrimp
    Favorite Smell:  fire
    Favorite Song: too many to name
    Favorite Book: idek anymore
    Favorite Drink: mtn dew baja blast
    Favorite Boy Name: Credence
    Favorite Girl Name: Maleyah
    Favorite Shows: gossip girl, game of thrones, the office, rick and morty, family guy
    Favorite Chips: goldfish
    Favorite Style of Food: asian
    Favorite Vacation Spot: idk yet, havent been many places but so far LA?
    Favorite Season: fall
    Favorite Holiday: halloween
    Favorite Sport: soccer
    Favorite Fast Food: wendys omfgggg and chick fil a
    Favorite Icecream: chocolate with caramel
    Favorite Teaidk man, sweet tea i guess, rep the south bruh


  2. 10 minutes ago, Vickie said:

    helloo its ur local egirl  not rly plz

    my name is vickie, im 15 and i spend 90% of my life playing dead by daylight and occasionally sims 4 

    i used to play league of legends and osu! a lot too!

    imvu's okay i guess if you consider it a game which i doOo

    i've been wanting to play stardew valley more but have no one to play with ;-; so if you'd like to play add me on steam ^^ 




    Psst, we have a steam id thread too here!! people may see it more there. :klove:

    • Like 1
  3. These are important, right?

    Tell us about yourself! What got you into gaming, what your favorite games are, how long you've been gaming, etc! 


    I'm Vee, I'm 18 and I was pretty much raised on games. My mom and my brother both played them all the time and I was presented with my current favorite game (Kingdom Hearts) at a very young age! I'm currently obsessed with World of Warcraft since it's really big within my friend group but I love RPGs in general! Seriously though, don't get me started on Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy. I could go on for hours.

    • Like 2
  4. Hi hello. I'm Vee. I'm 18 and I like angelic lookin' stuff.

    I'm not in school or anything because I'm kind of at a weird point in my life but I'm pretty friendly and always open to new friends. :klovee:

    My current obsession is WoW since the new expansion is coming out soon, if you play you should hit me up. 

    I joined the group because I'm hella bisexual. :klove:

    • Like 1
  5. Hey, hi, hello. I'm Vee and I'm updating this shit because I can.

    I'm 18. My real name isn't Vee but it's what I've gone by for years. You're more than welcome to call me Vee/V/Vivi/Vi, whatever the hell you want.

    I'm a proud Aries, INFP-T 6w5 and a neutral good. 

    I've been on GASR for a few years now. I'm located in the USA.

    I play a lot of video games, mostly WoW at the moment since the new xpac is coming out in less than a month.  

    I really like avatar/pet sites. You've probably seen me around somewhere else on the internet and may not have known it. 

    I have a job of sorts, I draw human avatar / items for a particular virtual pet site! 

    There ya go. That's me. You can learn pretty much everything else about me by sending me a friendly private message. 






    that one, that's the one.


    Q: Do you prefer fruits over vegetables or vice versa? 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Queen said:


    But what


    How would we set this up, what would they need to do to participate, what's the end goal, how long would it last, etc.

    Lol I'll get back to you on that. Hadn't put that much thought into it. Just an idea I tossed out a long while ago.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Queen said:


    Do you have any ideas on the types of events we can hold?  Astrology is quite a broad category, so what *specifically* are you thinking?

    + Why don't you host an astrology event yourself?  Members are allowed to host events as long as they don't conflict with our official events.  You don't have to wait on us.  :^)

    Something pertaining to each person's birth sign ( Aries, Taurus, etc.) maybe.


    And I've never really hosted anything like that so I'd have no idea where to even start + don't have anything set w prizes or the funds. '-' 

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