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Posts posted by aespa

  1. Hii so I have a lot of art of my OC's ranging from 2018-2021 (havent gotten any past 2021) and I noticed half of the artist either changed their name, deleted their account or went on hiatus. How do I go about selling my oc's then? I don't want them to just rot and I want to sell them either on here or a diff site. I am still tracking down artist seeing that I saved their usernames on each piece I got but yeah how do I go about doing this process

  2. hiii my name is sav, am 20 & I am quite the over thinker !! it leads to me to ignoring certain things n pals by accident at time sbc im always in my own world trying to figure out certain stuff.. when i'm having a good day, i'm probably looking at art, playing league or roblox w pals !!

    • Like 1

    𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓌 𝑜𝒻𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝑔𝒶𝓈𝓇 𝓅𝓇𝑜𝒻𝒾𝓁𝑒 ~


              Basically show us fellow hieroglyphics what your gasr profile is working with !!

    You can show it using lightshot , screenshot from your phone or even a gif using gyazo,

    and if you'd like, go ahead and link it so we can get better look (-:




    I’ll start  hehe image




    And you never know, maybe your profile will light a creative flame in someone else

    have fun!

    s( ^ ‿ ^)-b




    Inspired by @Kouhai

    pixel credit: http://engrampixel.co.vu/



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  4. image

    ✼ Name/nickname: sav tumblr_m3e0ptoACO1qf290m.gif.b9a80ebb409e1f79b050fd371c9d99c4.gif

    ✼ Age (can leave blank if you aren't comfortable telling!): 20

    ✼ Favorite weather(s): sunny on a rainy day

    ✼ Food you love: crab alfredo, steak/chicken chalupas. hummus & wheat thins

    ✼ Food you hate/allergic to: i HATE cheesecake....

    ✼ A few artists that you adore: @Plant @Hund @popple @Ariana @Xilatr @skater @Flaky @Bunnycat @WikiHow

    ✼ Music you listen to: it ranges from kpop to rap to 90's shoegaze to cher or to barabra streissand N SADE I LUV SADE OK

    ✼ Movies or TV shows? And if so, which ones: boTH !! I watch a lot of boh but mostly  movies like ALOT i even have a list of them in my notes...fav tv shows are jane the virgin, grace & frankie, jessica jones

    ✼ Do you watch anime? If so, what are your some of your favs? YEE, ..a lot .. my favs are BLEACH, Yuki Yuna Is A Hero, K, Banana Fish, Durarara, Boruto, Boku No Hero (just started too)

    ✼ Favorite animal(s): sharks, dogs, cats, elephants, tigers

    ✼ Favorite color(s): It depends on mood...

    ✼ Pet peeve(s): smacking.., unorganized areas, BEING IGNORED for no reason.., when someone ssays i gotta tell u something then dont say it ??

    ✼ Hobbies: drawing, singing, cooking

    ✼ Likes: sad music...SADE, music in general, ash from banana fish (hehe)...rukia from bleach (HEHE)... buying art...free art...UMMmm cooking

    ✼ Dislikes: cheesecake, sweet potatoes, overly sweet deserts in general, pecans in ice cream yuk

    ✼ What do you do for fun on GASR?: post my fav tunes n  edit my profile constantly ..check it out

    ✼ What you would like to see in our group?:  hmmm idk more fun ideas !

    ✼ What do you most want people to know about who you are?: that i'm actually pretty easy to talk to

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, mist said:

    Hi Everyone !~ 

    thanks for joining the group. 

    we will be posting announcements in this thread.


     @waifull (Sav)  and I  (Julie) came to name this group "𝒽𝒾𝑒𝓇𝑜𝑔𝓁𝓎𝓅𝒽" - a picture used to write something, which felt fitting for an art group.

    welcome again, and feel free to post ^^! 


    yeSSSS <3~ can’t wait to start posting more cute ass ideas for this group as well, Julie (-: 

    • Like 1
  6. hi hi hi hi hi hiiiiiiiii ! 

    my name is sav and UHHHH i am a music nerd..... i also luv art...like way more then i'm supposed to UGH !!

    last night I had nacho salad for dinner mmm and ..i made myself ! it had avcocadoes on it too MMMmm..just thought u guys shud know hehe

    ooo and i am also pansexual ! I'm kinda shy about sexual orientation since like ..i'm not comfortable w telling everyone that knowing they will ask me so many questions that my wittle clutz brain can barely answer myself like CHLL:sideeyeha:BRO ...so yes pls...lets be pals 

    • Like 1
  7. ─ G E N E R A L ─


    Name: savannah

    Nickname: sav

    Age: 20

    Birthday: 5/8

    Ethnicity: whitE ItaliaN

    Gender: female

    Relationship Statussingle bc ppl play too much :lazeoverkill:


    ─ P E R S O N A L ─

    What's your Hogwart's House? ..kinda cant get into harry potter berkakrgbkwbarf AM SORRY DONT HURT MeEEe

    What do you do after work/school?: I sometimes try 2 draw like TRYTRY, watch youtube videos..movies..maybe jam to some tunes

    What's something you love doing?: posting..on gasr..hehe.. playing games w pals..adding a new song to my playlist(s)

    Describe your personality in 3 words: bubbly, emo, HUH

    What's your guilty pleasure?: hummus with hot cheetos..also masculine hand pics..ugh

    Are you religious?: nopE

    Do you shower before or after bed?: It depends

    What's your pet peeve?: Ppl who chew with their mouth open, anything crooked, something that's out of place in a clean area, when ppl say "i gotta tell u something" thne ur like "what is it !?" then they're like "nvm" AND DONT RLLY SAY IT LIKE?!?!?!??!?!

    Least favorite wordp*ssy when it's used wrong ?? idk it just sounds weird when certain ppl say it


    ajglahgkar I hate "fav" questions sometimes bc I can never think instantly of what my "fav" thing is until hours later im like "OHHH YEAH" lmao..but i'll try

    ─ F A V O R I T E S ─

    Favorite Color: I dont rlly have one..It depends on my mood 
    Favorite Movie: Kung Fu Hustle
    Favorite Game: Animal Crossing
    Favorite Animal: Sharks
    Favorite Food: Crab Alfredo
    Favorite SmellAny type of Vanilla Perfume
    Favorite Song: Kids see ghost By Kids See Ghost
    Favorite Book: 19 Days (manga online..still a book..)
    Favorite Drink: Lipton Peach Tea
    Favorite Boy Name: Seven
    Favorite Girl Name: Charlie
    Favorite Shows: JANE THE VIRGIN, Grace And Frankie, Bleach, Jessica Jones
    Favorite Chips: hot cheeto ruffles
    Favorite Style of Food: Italian or Japanese
    Favorite Vacation Spot: Panama City Beach
    Favorite Season: Fall
    Favorite Holiday: Halloween
    Favorite Sport: dont..have one
    Favorite Fast Food: Mcdonalds (COME ON FAKE FOOOD lmaoo)
    Favorite Icecream: Mint Chocolate Chip
    Favorite Tea: Lipton anything

    • Like 2
  8. hiii my name is sav and i am 20..although..do..not...look..20 (thnkGOSH?!)


    I started gaming maybe like in elementary ..the first game I ever started playing was Mario cart on Nintendo n harvest moon to the tony hawk game on ps2..I played that CONSTANTLY then I used to watch my moms ex bf play resident evil 4 for 48 HOURS STRAIGHT (which got me into gaming) ! the graphics on that game is fireeee omfg i luv a good game with bright ass graphics ugh so anyway HMM what else .. ahhh my fav games currently are TERA UGHGHHFHG yes tera mmm...DOA 5...the sims4 (just to be extra..)...animal crossing..mario kart...mario 3d land...harvest moon... and I started playing LOL again ..p FUN i used to play in 2013 but lost my login info...also used to play hearthstone SM !! I've also literally had every gaming system..literally.. but LIFE happens n now all I do is PC game ! Hoping to get a Nintendo 3ds again..i had a limited edition pikachu one sighhhsss w cute wittle keychains UGH

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