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  1. Life in your 20's is so confusing, and exciting and the most stressful. 
    What am I doing with my life?

    Should I love my full time job

    Should I be a professional artist already 


    1. DIA


      So true. I struggle with the same thing

    2. Baah


      I’ve heard that the 20’s are the hardest; you’re just going into adulthood, you’re learning what you want to do in life and you’re working on getting there. I’ve even heard it as being the “terrible twenties” lmao. My best advice—something I’m doing today—is to have fun and experiment with different things. Go outside your comfort zone and find out what you love and what makes you happy. Strive to become what you want to do in life, and it will happen. It’s a slow process (I’ve heard), but it’s always smart to enjoy the ride while you’re on it. I’m only 22 and I feel insane sometimes LOL. If you need advice or help or anything feel free to PM me. I’m not a genius but I love to help as much as I can. :cutehehehaaas:

    3. Ash


      Im 22 as well LOL 

      Its seriously a struggle. 

      I know realistically I should not have my life together over night, but comparing yourself to others (I spend too much time on instagram) can be destructive- 

      I guess I just needed someone to smack be back into reality and relax a bit. Its a constant war. But I know I need to chill lol. 


      Thank you for sending out your words and offering your help. 

      Thats really awesome of you. :lazeblush:

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