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Status Replies posted by Fujoshi

  1. Was havin' an artblock, so I tried beating it by drawing my babies with @VirusZeke

    Though they're not active here, do check them out on Twitter 😄



  2. Am i doomed to forever just doing wips




  3. Am i doomed to forever just doing wips




  4. hey guys, help an artist out


    whats your remedy for sore throats and runny noses lmao

    im dying and cant breathe send help hahahahahahhaha

  5. bec24189b978bfbd4c09800d41b80f07.png
    something tells me I'm gonna be doin chinese-esque themed premades ffs 

    i need to stop playing dynasty warriors 

  6. I've been really stressed lately. I'm trying to improve my art, but I feel like not everyone is as supportive or on board with my recent changes.
    It really makes me less motivated to do art; even though I am really trying to push through that.
    I just feel like there's people on here that don't really like me? 
    But then again, I'm known for being paranoid and overthinking things that aren't even there.

    1. Fujoshi


      Your artwork is adorable and you're really such a sweet person so I don't think you need to be concerned about people not liking you. Everyone here has different tastes but don't let it discourage you! We will always be here supporting you and draw what makes you happy and what makes you proud! Your ideas are always so creative and I love seeing what you come out with next

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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