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  1. I think I'm just gonna give up on art.

    1. Baah


      I dont think you should! I see great potential in your art--especially in the last status update you did.


      It always seems like the answer is to give up whenever you're not producing what you like. I think it's always best to just pause on what you're doing that isnt turning out how you want and try something new or something for yourself. Its kind of crazy how many unfinished pieces I have.


      What haven't you practiced doing yet? What are some characters that you really like that you could do fan art of and have fun with? Different angles are also very challenging but opens up new ideas and skills. Find your inspiration, your styles, try different brushes and colors. What inspires you? For me, Pinterest is the best place to see a bunch of different aspects and styles that helps me form an idea of what I want to do and where I want to go with my art. 


      Art is definitely a journey and, as I'm sure many artists will agree with me on this, a struggle. We are all here for eachother as well, so reaching out for help and guidance is always supported in this community (from my history of becoming an artist I do have to thank many artists and close friends who have helped me so much).


      You can do it.  ❤

    2. Careworn


      Thank you for the encouraging words. I just bought a new tablet recently, a display, and I guess it's kind of taken a toll on my self esteem seeing how the quality of my art kind of dwindled. Without a display I feel like my art was sort of looking how I wanted it to, but I guess with the mixture of the new equipment and hiatus I just kind of went back to square one. I get a mental image of what I want to draw, what colors I want to use, but it never really translates to my canvas, which is also kind of disheartening. 


      A lot of my problem is, is when I'm drawing (I use Krita, not sure if it matters) I don't know how to use the software to get like, less flat or saturated color. I'm not really sure how to use it to where I can make things more life like, and less stark color if that makes any sense. I just want to get back to my old art, I'm not happy with the content I've created so far with this new tablet, even if I do say I am. I just want to draw like me again. :bcri:

    3. KittenSpell
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