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Posts posted by Alex

  1. A: I speak my mind to my friends or people I'm close with, or online because it's easier for me to convey myself with words.. but when it comes to person, I withhold everything and just move on.

    Q: How are you today? Are you eating well?

  2. A: Probably something fantasy related.. I really like the name of some of my oc's.. like Seraph but then it just sounds too out there and set up for ridicule i guess ;(

    Q: Have you ever accidentally upset someone without knowing it would upset them and feel bad afterwards? cuz maaaan am i feelin' it

    • Like 1
  3. A: something that was dug up from under the sea.. i don't have a specific one at the top of my head but i know i wanna see undersea treasures hhhhhhh dry heaves

    Q: smooth as butter or bumpy like corn?

  4. A: I think cloning is really cool but I don't know much about the subject to really support it!

    Q: If you found out that you couldn't use your hands/fingers anymore and just your feet/toes, what would be the first object you'd practice on?


    yeah i come up with weird ass questions 


  5. A: I enjoy talking to @Kita & @Latex after a long day, but I usually play video games on my computer or phone, or cry.. or sleep. :thinking:

    Q: What is one thing that instantly gets you emotional? (mine is how vampire knight ended.. like 8 years ago and im still fukt up)

    • Like 1
  6. A: pastel colors are nice

    Q: if someone rolled up in a car beside you and offered you to hop in to any destination in the entire world, free of charge, would you do it? why or why not

  7. A: I've learned to just move on and live without regrets, if I didn't do it, there was obviously a reason somewhere I wasn't supposed to.

    Q: If you had to choose between a thousand dollars or real life pokemon, what would your starter be? :gettingaway:



    A: Worst time in America is me being born :sketch:

    Q: Have you ever been betrayed by someone you loved most? What did you do to get over it?

  9. A: Both. I think some people just have minds that make them either good or bad or want to feel that + take into account growing up with environmental factors of parents, people, influences around you, etc, and you create the perfect gremlin or goddess.

    A: You are on a deserted island with only a pocket knife. What is the first order of business?

    • Like 1
  10. A: My favorite time is fall, where the leaves are changing color and the weather is going from hot to cool + sweaters, i love sweaters man

    Q: You just witnessed someone get stabbed in front of you. What do you do?

  11. A: nah, they all know im bad so i go along with it and make jokes/humor out of it, but not intentional feeding or anything

    Q: Do you hold any grudges towards someone/something? Why or why not?

  12. A: don't do it / he's not going to be your husband / he doesn't love you, he's gonna ask you for nudes on snapchat the moment you post to your story / dont do it

    Q: What is one thing you desire most and how do you plan to achieve it?

  13. A: My imaginary friend is my "wise adult" which just looks like an older, more mature, and probably sexier version of me LOL.

    Q: What are some coping mechanisms you use when you are feeling down/anxious?

  14. On 1/6/2018 at 7:46 PM, Cymette said:
      Reveal hidden contents


    Approx. Date Received:  January 2014
    Artist's Name:  Not Found Yet

    Approx. Date Received: November 2015
    Artist's Name:  Not Found Yet
    * this came with multiple versions


    Approx. Date Received: November 2015
    Artist's Name:  Not Found Yet
    * this came with multiple versions

    Second batch:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Approx. Date Received: June 2014
    Artist's Name:  Not Found Yet
    * this came with multiple versions

    xc10.png & koz1c10.png
    Approx. Date Received: April 2015 
    Artist's Name:  Not Found Yet
    * this came with multiple versions


    I have small collection of artwork (all bought on old GASR) to go through.
    I think I've now gone through all them and I've been able to fit them under two spoilers (I didn't want to overwhelm anyone with images). I'll remove pieces from the form once their artist is found.
    I appreciate any and all help! Thank you. :cutehehehaaas:

    artists found so far: 2/7


    I think the very last two in second batch is from the user Zombie @OG GASR. But I'm not 100% sure, but it could ring a bell for you?


    On 1/8/2018 at 4:06 PM, Wrath said:

    Both of these were gifts from someone and i never recieved the artists name. if anyone knows that would be great.


      Reveal hidden contents

    432324Lace3.png.dd20ca492ad4c819514d6dd7b1fa772b.png Snap_pFRd58WO7M540063091.png.02f9e1cfeb7be329ee6b78f2c51da585.png

    Approx. Date Received: Late june early july this past year,I believe
    Artist's Name:  Not Found Yet


    Same as above, I think the first one is from Zombie @OG GASR. It looks like their art but I'm not 100% sure either. D:

  15. You gotta ask yourself that, @Morti 

    Alwaya consider the time it takes, how much effort you put in, and what you want out of it. I don’t do digital art so I don’t have experience firsthand, but I’ve seen artists always undersell themselves when their worth is much greater. 

    We have guides around the website if you’re ever confused about pricing etc etc. But I personally believe so. 

  16. @Kaikala All the pictures posted in this thread are free to use as you like, as long as you abide by the personal rules each artist has regarding their free art.

    For example, some rules state you can edit it as you wish, as long as you credit them and don't resell the image!

    But you are more than welcome to use any of the pictures here, add text, and display them. :]

  17. I'm Alexzandria, or Alex like many other Alexs there are in this world.

     f / 21 / capricorn / mt usa / i lov lelouch and anime girls

    currently crushing on a 44 year old man which i talk about non-fucking-stop if you see me in discord

    i love to chat and get to know people and treat everyone as tenderly and kindly as possible - i just see no reason to be mean or rude

    my hobbies/interests include writing, painting, coding, reading, helping others, and my job! i am a certified nursing assistant at a nursing/rehab center and love it more than anything.

    i've always wanted to be a nurse, an author, or a teacher and i might just do all three at some point /shrugu


    oh and been on gasr since it was on imvu + offisite + now so ive been around and super lurky and stalky so chances are ive seen some stuff /sideeyeemoji

    • Like 2
  18. Master Critique & Pricing Thread

    AH guidelines & rules apply, more information: here



    The purpose of this thread is to allow others to make a quick post of their drawings/art without having to make an official thread to have their art priced/critiqued! Be sure to elaborate on whether or not you want critique, pricing or both!


    Before posting, be sure to read over the information below:

    How to give and receive critique:



    Giving Critique



    What you should do:

    • If you are pointing out a flaw, give a solution or suggestion on how to fix that flaw
    • Be helpful and encouraging, especially to newer artists


    What you should NOT do:

    • Post unhelpful comments like "the nose is weird" "the hair is funny"
    • Act like a know-it-all

    When giving critiques, you should be as helpful as you can!

    Posting useless comments such as "it looks weird" isn't going to help anybody, especially the artist. The way you critique also reflects on your personality - if you're being lazy with a critique (such as posting a useless comment), people are not going to look up to you when they need help.


    Additionally, there is no reason to get snarky or mean (or act like a know-it-all) when giving critique. There are many new artists here on this forum, and sometimes they just don't know something about a subject like skin or hair or the like. Treat individuals with respect as artists and as human beings with emotions.


    Receiving Critique


    What you should do:

    • Thank the critic for taking time to help out
    • Try to apply the critique to your work


    What you should NOT do:

    • Make excuse after excuse for flaws ("it's muh style!1!")
    • Lash out on the critic for being "mean" (even if they were just being helpful)


    Being Rude vs. Being Honest Example


    Honest: I don't feel like the shadows on the face make sense because the light is coming from the same direction as the shadow.

    Rude: The shadows on the face look stupid.. how can the light and the shadow be in the same place?? Don't you go outside??


    Hitchhiker's Guide to Critique


    Pricing Guide:



    ✶ It is important to understand, before going to price others, how to price your own art.

    Knowing how to do this means an understanding of the factors determining a price.
     This guide will not be giving average prices out for each "category" of art (DPs, drawings, pixels..),
     however, it will try its best to explain these previously mentioned factors and their relation to pricing and art. 

    It aims for helping you reflect on the subject rather than simply telling you the price you should charge.

    Factors to Consider


    Experience is a major factor in pricing. Simply put, experience assures a certain level of work that tends to develop with the amount of time you have been practicing art (a varied relationship, depending on the individual: some people improving faster, slower... explained under). When one is paying for another's artistic services, they are not only paying for the immediate result, but also the time and effort put into improving and learning art which is what got them to their current.




    The factor of time is to be taken in the sense of "the immediate time" you have spent on a particular image. This is different than the total amount of time you have been doing art - this is part of experience. It's important to value the amount of time you have DEDICATED to doing commissions and the time you take into completing each one one. This can be an important factor in differentiating the types of commissions you offer - things that take longer can easily be argued to have a higher price. 

    However this is not the only time you can take it into consideration, as you will want to adapt your prices to your own schedule and make the time spent worthwhile. Of course, not everyone's time is worth the same amount. One spending an hour on a piece can sometimes charge more than someone spending several hours on a piece. This is because time spent is related to the next factor, quality.



    Often associated to the factor of "time" is the amount of effort put into a piece and the final overall quality of it. The quality of the final product is definitely important when deciding a price. 

    This is the area where the "other eye" is important. Asking for a pricing in the critique forum, in general, will get a response that rests strongly on the individual's own reaction/taste/opinion/etc.
    Do not use this as your only source of pricing.

    "Public appeal" is better measured in form of a shop, and the amount of clientele or interest gathered by it. A final note is that YOU will always know best the efforts put into your work. So never factor that out of your own pricing.


    Quality, effort and public appeal
    Pricing can be directly related to your current situation. Do you have a deep need for money, fast? Are you doing art as a pastime? The situation/goal factor is one that probably fluctuates the most for the individual as one's situation is something that can change rapidly. This means that while the other factors may generally change or evolve in progressive, calmer ways, this one can be completely different in the space of very little time - or the opposite, completely stable. This directly affects your prices as it may cause you to lower to gather more customers if in deep need, or perhaps not even factor it in if you are in an un-pressing situation. 
    This is a factor to be considered mostly by yourself.


    Personal Situation/goal
    This is about understand the market you are selling in, how it functions, and your competitors. This is not about comparing and adapting your prices to every person around you, but rather something to keep in mind - giving context to the whole act of selling art.



    Do not lie to yourselves, this is an extremely important factor to be considered. The stability of your customer base and the value of your name is VERY relevant to: 

    A. the amount of customers you have

    B. the amount individuals are willing to pay for you art. 

    THUS influencing one's own pricing very easily. This is very much linked to Experience, Quality and public appeal, aswell as your own self... which leads to:


    Customer base + Name value

    All of these factors feed into a sense of self value that is incredibly important if one wishes to price their own work, or even take pricings from others. Knowing you, your art, your situation, your position... all of those build up one's own sense of self valuing which should fight against both underpricing yourself and overpricing yourself. BASICALLY, being able to know what to do for your own self and giving yourselves the right prices. 



    Links Between Factors

    Experience links in with quality. Quality links in with time, effort and public appeal.
    Public appeal links into name value and customer base, which in result links back to experience and quality. 
    Personal situation links to market context and thus back to public appeal and customer base.
    What is to be kept in mind is that the percentage of strength of each factor can vary immensely for very minute things.

    Experience, Time & Quality


    ✶ One does not improve as fast as another, or one does not work as fast as the other, and vice versa.

    It must be understood that and individual's relationship between the time they spend (both immediate AND in 
    the long run/experience) and the quality of their work (again both immediate result and the long run progression) 
    remain unique and differs easily from their neighbor's. 


    Experience and Time

    ->The amount of time you have been practicing art and the overall experience you have of art

    Time and Quality
    ->The amount of time you spend on a piece and the quality of the piece

    Quality and Experience
    ->The overall experience you have of art and the quality of your work in a whole.


    Effect on Pricing

    All of these in mind, it can be determined that there are two situations for the individual to be in in terms of pricing and their art, in which the first situation tends to grow into the second as a progressive type of state.

    One's amount of experience and time does provide the necessary quality, and thus in terms of pricing the RESULT, PUBLIC APPEAL and MARKET CONTEXT is much stronger of a factor than individual factors such as TIME, EFFORT and EXPERIENCE.


    Situation 1
    One's amount of experience and time provides the necessary quality, and thus in terms of pricing individual factors such as TIME, EFFORT and EXPERIENCE can be factored stronger than factors such as the RESULT and MARKET CONTEXT. PUBLIC APPEAL is embedded into EXPERIENCE at this stage, and thus new factors such as NAME VALUE and CUSTOMER BASE can appear.

    Situation 2

    Pricing your own art is not some kind of complicated calculation, but rather an accepted understanding that allows you to quickly decide on something reasonable. While many of these factors are present, the strength of each varies a lot for the individual and thus what I have explained above remains just a very general case.

    Common Pricing Issues

    Like I previously said, knowing how to price yourself is essential before knowing how 

    to price others correctly. However, whilst you can be aware of these factors, some are just, 
    by basis, better understood by the actual artist (personal situation, Time available, effort...),
     just like some are handy to hear of from an outsider's point of view (appeal/interest, quality).  


    Exclusive Focus
    In terms of others pricing one's art,the pricer focuses either too heavily on the market context or on their own personal appeal, whilst ignoring all other factors. A person approach to pricing is extremely useful as long as it is balanced with an understanding of what the artist has gone
     through or done in order to be at this point of experience, offering said art. This means... while it is nice to know what you would buy and how much you would pay for another's art, it remains an opinion and is merely a tiny factoring into establishing one's price.

    Averaging of prices offered
    Averaging the prices others have given you may seem like a good idea and can sometimes work out, but it relies completley on the other's eye - and a select handful at that. This could work out but some pricings can be very biased or flawed (see above). It turns out to be closer to others dictating your price than actually finding one suitable for you. That being said, I already mentioned it but this can work out, but in general I have seen this lead to underpricing "In moderation".

    Chain pricing
    Seeing what someone else has priced above, resulting in a chain of people pricing arounds of the same thing - being influenced by a price they have seen already, consciously or not.

    Flawed exchange rates
    Not taking into consideration what the artist actually receives from credit reselling - focusing on imvu exchange rates rather than reseller rates.



    General rules and information:

    • EC/NSFW art must have the proper mature filter.
    • You are allowed to post as many drawings/other forms of art here
    • No spamming the thread with multiple posts in a row - please try to keep it neat
    • Anybody is allowed to post drawings or opinions
    • Any bickering or arguments could lead to the loss of this thread


    If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to message a Forum Moderator.

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