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  1. I was hoping that I didn't have to write this and truthfully, I don't even need to. However I do just wanna dedicate one last lil hoorah to my amazing, sweet, wonderful boy.


    This morning at around 7:20, my beloved Leopard Gecko Dragon passed away. The causes are unknown but what I do know is that it was very quick and painless, and whatever was going on, he isn't suffering. While this is very hard for me, I do wanna celebrate how much of an incredible being he was. I know, I know, it sounds silly in retrospect because it's an animal as small as a lizard, but the bond was very real and his personality was also very real and present. He would never hurt a soul, he was one of the kindest, sweetest, beautiful, and most amazing pets I've ever had and I will cherish the pictures and moments that I've gotten to spend with him. Thank you to everyone who wished me well, thank you to my friends for supporting me through this horribly hard time, and thank you to Dragon for showing me what true unconditional love is, something that I can never repay him back for.


    I could never imagine a world without you, but now that you're gone, It's hard to even come to grips but you'll always have made a huge impact in my life


    Rest easy my smiley baby, you are an amazing soul.





    1. Lunna


      May he rest in peace, it's always so hard when we lose our lil babies. Stay strong doll, sending lots and lots of love! :(

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