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Everything posted by Talon

  1. One of my best friends furry character Rune. 😍 Super happy with the way it turned out. 



  2. :D Excited to color this girl. 


  3. IMG_20200406_111243_969.thumb.jpg.3ee969ab4ad3d6b56393f24b519090c1.jpg


    Super excited about this! I look forward turning my story into a manga one day but for now you can check out story episodes on mangatoon. 



  4. Follow and help she new to the site and a very wonderful artist. She made my DP. :D 


  5. So I made a group on arthaven for roleplays. I have a roleplay going on that's looking for writers, and of course, I love talking about it.

    This is for role-plays and showing off my characters.


  6. 3434343.thumb.png.d5437f5e4a887f7bc5573d44653a21c1.png


    I made another version this time with the group, still isn't finished and I need to add a few more people.  ;3 

  7. Super happy with the way this is turning out! :D

    Just a little personal doodle of my babies together. 


    1. Valaa


      Please finish this next, I am dying.

  8. Might open up a free shop and start doing these. Really loving them. xD<3TalonOutlineCloud.png.7be7e919c53b9e3b0641a9da462df13e.pngHeadintheclouds.png.81c11f219be6b61e562b58ae8c14b5cd.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Talon


      No need to pay me for these. I do need sample's.  You want one for Isis?

    3. Valaa


      ♡♡♡ That it any of my girls. Isis always needs more art.

    4. Talon


      I'll have to do them all. 😉

  9. Bought my butt a new tablet couldn't be more happy right now. 

    This thing is so smooth I've been missing out. 


  10. Working on a new character sheet for my girly. <3 


  11. WIP3.thumb.png.701c4b98519db3d9c7cfc37d105d88d8.png

    1. sadtoilet


      aaaaaaaaaaargh that's ht that sbhtoht 

    2. Talon


      uuuuuuuu hooooootttt broo. <3 xD 

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