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Everything posted by Anna

  1. Capture.PNG.0cb91e6eb4c4476a10ad7ef92bca0c8f.PNG


    Good evening everyone. 



  2. Use this thread to advertise premade pixel art you are selling for use on IMVU. This can be used for icons, banners, other displays etc. This thread is NOT for premade badge art. Please use the 'Premade Badge Art' thread for that. Last thread cleaning: 19/07/2019
  3. Say hello and introduce yourself in here.
  4. Feel free to post the badges you have for sale via your catalog, or other methods in this thread. Note that this thread is not for the sale of premade badge art. Please use the premades thread for that.
  5. Feel free to advertise your premade badge art here. Note that this is for the selling of badge art only. Do not advertise badges in your catalog here, please use the buyable badges thread for that. Last thread cleaning: 10/08/2021
  6. Anna

    OT Chat

    Talk about anything you like, related to badges or not.
  7. If you need a thread locked or deleted, post here!
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