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Everything posted by Kikitchi

  1. OCs: Calico or Mouse Text: Mouse Thank you! Feel free to use as examples, but pls no steal am very small and sensitive
  2. Topic Link(s): https://arthaven.co/forums/topic/10821-too-old-for-tiktok-starting-new-with-orders/ Action: Delete, please!
  3. @Elise - I noticed that I had drawn this character before (I was Straggle at the time) and I couldn't help but redraw it since my style has changed so much. I hope you like it!
  4. Someone scammed me with this one. I sent them the finished product with their name on it, and then they filed fraud with paypal and got their money back. I don't think it's fair for them to have it exclusively if I wasn't paid, so anyone can use it. Feel free to add whatever text you like, and please credit me if you use it
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