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Status Updates posted by StarBooty

  1. I was fortunate enough to be able to replace my laptop with the help of my amazing family ♥

    I can finally play my games with this one
    That said if anyone has any recommendations please feel free to let me know ♥ 

  2. I need help.

    I order pizza almost weekly bc the delivery people are cute.

    You got the tiny pixie

    and Mr. Tattoos. 

    save me


    1. lord


      Tiny Pixie x Mr. Tattoos is such a classic alternative couple.

      You two were meant to be, tbh.

    2. StarBooty


      Tbh I ship them and kinda think they a couple. (they both delivery ppl)

      I NEED to know who does her hair. and whos his artist. My souls crying

    3. lord


      He dies her hair and she does his tattoos.

  3. I've been thinking about buying my first car, but have had 3 desperate instances with 3 different people(theyve been helping me out with rides.) where the car messed up. Its only been a week. I think the universe is telling me to wait.

    1. Elsen


      Or maybe it's telling you to to cast off hesitation and move forward in your life- nobody can see the future, and it isn't our job to try and determine it. It's our job, as people, to do our best, make the progress we can, and try to find contentment in it!

      If you can afford a car, and it's something you need, you should do it! Don't deny yourself the tools you need to continue your personal journey toward happiness and independence in life. You deserve both, and it's not bad to reach for them if you can!

    2. Spirits


      I believe in you if you decide to get your first car! Remember -- it will be difficult, and there things you have to maintain with it, just like it were a pet. You got this either way -- just be patient. :llcool:

  4. I want to work on art but I've had such a bad headache today. I don't wanna get out of bed @.@

    1. Martinus


      Take a break and continue soon. :bfahh:

  5. There's never enough cheese in my macaroni :lldepress: 

  6. Just got a tablet!! Now just... getting used to it again....  :lazetears:


  7. I want glitter and cake :bcri:

  8. My heart can't rn. Damn rocks. :psobbing::lazetears:

  9. I have been loving the weather we've been having lately.

    All the storms and the smell of rain ♥♥
    But if I get one more dust storm alert I'm going to scream.

  10. Practicing. Feel free to join :)
    Song requests are on <3


  11. Hi Loves <3 <3 
    Have two premades for sell
    Both are 50% off <3 <3 
    Check them out here!



    20.00 USD

    Cherry Blossom

    20.00 USD

    Playful Fae

    15.00 USD




    Check out more Here :  ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦



    3 Premades are up for sell in our shop! Please check them out ♥ ♥ ♥



    Playful Fae




    See More Premades Here!  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥



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