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Status Updates posted by YasmineDoesArt

  1. Back from another mental breakdown. How y'all been? 🥺🤡

  2. A WIP because I'm feeling it. Lol






  3. Any art friends interested in doing a collab piece? 🥺

  4. My commission slots are empty atm on all sites if anyone is looking for art with a quick turnover time. 😇

  5. Halloween themed PYOC's anyone? 2 are originally Inktober sketches. Anyone else trying to do Inktober this year? 




  6. Hi. My name is Yasmine. My hobbies include giving anon advice on Reddit instead of formatting my Halloween premades to go up in my shop on time. 🥺


    Honestly....I lost my tablet pen and they're mostly PYOC's so waiting until I can find it before posting but still. Lol

    1. Vaixe


      That's horrible, i lost my pen tablet last week (i did find it eventually) and i thought I'm gonna flip some tables.

      Hope you find it :aww:


      I accidentally clicked 2 spoilers, I'm on phone and idk how to delete these. We live like this 



    2. YasmineDoesArt


      @VaixeThe pain is real. I'm just waiting for my partner to get home from work so we can move the couches at this point. Praying my kitten didn't bat it into oblivion. 😭🥰

  7. I'm a bit behind on where I wanted to be because my tablet all but exploded but I'll be dropping a few Halloween Pick Your Own Colors this weekend!


    More anime style than what I've been doing recently. See the way my ADHD is set up..... Lol

  8. This sounds weird.....but the way my paycheck at my job and bills are set up.....I'm broke until Sunday. 


    My nicotine addiction is driving me nuts at the moment though.


    Tldr. Anyone interested in an $8 USD DP commission? Less than half my normal price. I just need money for nicotine pronto. Lol.


    Inbox me if you're interested! 🥰

  9. Still available! Check out my premade shop or DM me to purchase. 🥰🥑



  10. Okay. Been moving all weekend. Today is the first day I actually get to sit down and work on premades in a minute!


    As I said before going to be working on some Halloween themed premades. My brain has also decided I haven't done anything in a more anime inspired style in awhile so that's the one I want to work in.


    What does that entail? Idk yet. Everytime I get a consistent style my ADHD gets bored. Lol

  11. Both of these babes are still available! If you're in the market for a new OC check out my premade shop and give one of them a good home! 







  12. I'm so close to finishing this commission I can taaaste it. 👁️ 👄 👁️

  13. Real job interview then promptly running me and my social anxiety home so I can work on commissions and maybe some premades. 


    Any ideas for premades? 🧐

  14. Real job interview then promptly running me and my social anxiety home so I can work on commissions and maybe some premades. 


    Any ideas for premades? 🧐

  15. In the works of figuring out the logistics now but soon I will be offering payment plans for more pricey custom orders and premades. 


    Wish me luck. I'm learning slowly but surely!



  16. My next set of premades will be at least somewhat Halloween themed. If you have any ideas drop a comment or send me a DM. Ideas are not my strong point sometimes. Lol. 


  17. I keep making posts about how I swear I'm working on a batch of premades. Well, I finally got said batch of premades done!

    If my art normally seems a bit price for you check out the new DP sized section of premades.

    They are $20 USD a piece or 2 for $36 USD


    Untitled115 20210830030429 by YasmineDoesArt Untitled108 20210818000422 by YasmineDoesArt Untitled107 20210817201215 by YasmineDoesArt Untitled106 20210817173408 by YasmineDoesArt Untitled105 20210817163706 by YasmineDoesArt


    Untitled112 20210824060231 by YasmineDoesArt Untitled113 20210830011851 by YasmineDoesArt

  18. I know I've been saying new premades soon for like a week or so but I'm just finishing up one that frustrated me a bit to finish the set. Pray for me! 🥰

  19. Partially a WIP. Mostly just me showing off my kitten. Lol. 

    1. Astro




    2. YasmineDoesArt


      @AstroHe's evil though! I suggest everyone gets their own little mastermind. Great for mental health. Lol.

  20. I know a lot of my art has been full blown huge pricy pieces lately, but I think I'm going to start making some more DP sized stuff again just so I have some pieces in different price ranges up.


    My next post will hopefully be an entire set of smaller premades instead of just one big piece.


    With that said, if anyone has any ideas lmk! 😭

  21. What I've been working on in between commissions this past week! 




    I think I over rendered compared to what I normally do but I kind of love her. I think gamer girl art is one of my favorite things right now. 🥰


    Anyways.....new premade up in my shop! ❤️



  22. I've lost hope for finding people via the forums, because those sections are always dead for some reason.


    Anyone interested in any art trades or collabs? Been craving both. None of my art friends are digital artists though so it makes it hard. 


    Shoot me a DM if you're interested/think our styles would mesh well in a collab! 🥺😇

  23. New premade up! ❤️

    I never get to do alt or spooky babes anymore when I get commissions and it makes me sad. Like come on bro! I can totally make Clarissa OJ Simpson Bella Thomason look adorable and menacing. 😹😭




    Sketching process: 


  24. New premade up in my shop!



    Process video: 


  25. So.....I changed my username on here. Something I never thought I'd do. I've been Sereani literally since I was 14 years old. I won't tell you how old I am now. Lol


    Trying to organize and consolidate all of my social media. 


    Soooo.....to anyone who offhandly ever wondered what my real name is.... Hi! I'm Yasmine. Lol. 





    Going to change my DP in a few days here, but I figure I'll leave it for a little bit just so I'm not like suddenly going incognito. Lol. 

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