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Status Updates posted by Fawna

  1. :bhaaa:EVERYONE!:boh:

    Go check out the YCH/DTS post in Off-Topic

    It's a silly drawing thing that everyone can enjoy where you draw your character into a YCH/Draw The Squad meme

    :cutethumbsup:!CLICK HERE!:cutefingergun:


  2. :bhaaa:AUCTION ALERT:bhaaa:

     I will be kicking off a brand new Custom Auction!

    It will be a YCH Custom Auction Piece featuring an older concept from back in Old GASR days. Chibis in a Bottle!

    If it goes well enough I will be adding the Chibi Bottle option into my shop afterwards as well.

    Be sure to check it out, it's now OPEN!

    :bgoodjob:-Click Here for Chibi in a Bottle Custom Auction-:byes:



  3. Something to brighten your day!


    Image result for cute gif


    1. Levudazed


      Wow I love that

    2. WhisperDan


      This inspired me to run fast run fast.


  4. So I made this a long time ago and found it going through my comp. docs...

    It gave me a giggle so of course I have to share it with you guys!









    Behold the mighty Shrektato!

  5. image.png.9137e3765b4e5dd9d4800077de89fe7f.png

    somehow a tiny south african antelope called a dik-dik grew into a fuzzy ATAT 

    1. Fawna


      It's worth to note I've just been sending @Buni silly deer photos all night

    2. Buni


      it's a blessing and a curse :icry:

    3. Sith


      I, Sith, approves of such content.  

  6. And me after getting a pleasant notification a second later :lllaugh:

  7. Don’t forget to check out the -Chibi in a Bottle- Custom auction!

    It will be ending on Sunday!

  8. Going back to basics. Time to relearn some old drawing habits and techniques and also learn some new ones. It's been a long time running but I finally want to start getting back in the GASR game. Hopefully soon this little doe will have a customs shop :khehehe::cutepinkiesup::okkkkkcute:

    (might do some request threads or inbox commissions in the mean time)

  9. Got no inspo. or juice to be creative so I'll just make a bunch of chibi anatomy base stuff and hope for the best:kwooble:

    1. Buni


      Show if you do :bfahh:

  10. Fawna

    I see you stalking me :lluwotm8:

    1. doll


      somehow i didn't get notified of this. 


      yes, yes i am.

    2. Fawna


      Is okay I stalk you all the effin time:lazelaptop:

  11. In the works this week of creating banners and such for my soon to be customs shop :kwave:

    Pretty excited to get back to drawing for all of GASR people:byaslove:

    1. Fawna


      But before that, finishing up customs :lluh:

  12. Just discovered how delicious dark chocolate KitKat bars are and now there is no going back


  13. Just discovered the Merriam-Webster page has a time traveler function that tells you what words were invented on your birth year.
    One of my words was Mouse potato and it's definition is someone who spends a lot of time at a computer.
    We are all mouse potatoes.:lluwotm8:

  14. Last chance for -Chibi in a Bottle- Custom Auction!

    Will be ending in 8 hours at 11:59pm EST

  15. Me after coming back to GASR from my almost 2 week vacation in the UK


  16. My birthday is tomorrow and Earth decides to gift me a cat4 going on cat5 hurricane with potential sharks 🦈 

    thanks gaia👍🏻

    1. Cobweb



      I was told to show you this. LMFAO.

    2. Ivyx


      the rain is already hitting florida, and before the drainage gutters did their job my street was a LAKE. forget driving in it. happy early birthday, I hope you will be able to celebrate it in electricity!

    3. Moose


      Sharkurricane? :pthinking:

  17. Off To England! :llnyaa:

    1. Buni


      HAVE FUN BB!

    2. Fawna


      Thank you!:klove:

      Thank you!:klove:

  18. One hour left for -Chibi in a Bottle- Custom Auction!

    Will be ending at 11:59pm EST

  19. Only just now seeing my Earth Day submission in the header. Seeing Cloud Pablob makes my heart feel full:kwave:

    1. Meru


      You did such a gorgeous job on it! Cloud Pablob ftw. :klovee:

  20. The -Chibi in a Bottle- Auction will be ending SUNDAY evening! 


  21. Trying to get the creative juices flowing and this is what I come up with? The heck brain. AND WHY HIS HAIR SO FLUFFY?!


  22. Voting began for the Valentine’s Day Event and the cards are absolutely adorable! 

    Show the anonymous artists some love and go vote:klovee:

  23. Whenever I’m in a drawing rut I seem to keep drawing Pablob. HE JUS SO CUTE IT MAKES ME HAPPY. Pabbys #1 fan ok :pcool:

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