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  1. clarifications


    So, probably part of this site knows all the drama about my art and some accusations about me copying @Capsule

    I'll tell you'll about my side.

    First, i'm not copying capsule, she's a BIG inspiration and she's definitely one of the best artists on this site. I'm starting now to evolve my style to something i really like, considering that the 4 years i drew, i just evolved my anatomy and etc. Everyone haves a inspiration and sometimes we can do something too much similar, or the style can look like the style from the artist too much, what is kinda bad, but i'm just starting my career, my style will change like my personality changes, and this is normal to every artist, also u can se soo many artists with similar styles, and that's not something that shocks, that's just the community working! Capsule is a wonderful artist and she probably knows that some time she would be a inspiration for someone. 


    About harm Capsule while having a similar style, i don't know if this really happens, but my style still being different from hers ( her style is more mature and delicate ) and who buys from me, if bought from her before, still buying. Like Hoseok, Princess, and etc. Them bought from me and bought from capsule on her last batch, also my first buyer, Hairclips, bought from her too, but one of her cheap arts, because she just can't pay for the most detailed ones. She bought from me soo many times and when she could buy something, she bought. I don't see any problem considering that i'll never reach capsule's level, i'm not saying that because i want to praise her to make myself look less bad or something, i'm saying that because every artist evolves in a different way. Also, who can't buy from capsule and buys from me, probably wouldn't buy from her anyway, in brl her art is something like 292,19 BRL ( premades )  and 1.043,60 BRL ( 250 custom piece ). 1,000 BRL is the minimum wage on Brazil. Of course her arts worths that price, but that's too much for someone that lives in a third world country pay.


    No one came at my inbox to talk about nothing with me, nobody came to know wich is my side. Nobody just talked with me about nothing, just going to any site about gossip and talking things about me without any filter or empathy anonymously, makes look like you're doing something wrong. Why don't u use your official account to talk with me? Just talk with me, i'm not an extraterrestrial.


    Also, mocking people for being poor or something like ins't that cool... If u want to mock someone, so why don't u make that on gasr, with your official account? HAHAHAHA


    Anyway, thanks for the attention, and sorry for anything that i did wrong. :bgoodjob:

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    2. raisu


      @Cain Thanks honey! It's really good to me to read because it's hard to deal with that type of thing being new in that type of community! But of course i'll keep working for getting better and better, enjoying all my phases. :blove:

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