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  1. Love your artstyle!

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    2. ChocolateTentacles


      You're welcome!~ And thank you hehe ^///^

      And that's alright, the site can be buggy at times lol I just wanted to say that last one of Pains's that you did came out really, REALLY well lol. I love the eyes and how well you captured the experssion, she looks adorable :bfstar:

      Do you take private orders? Or planning on opening a shop? I know you would do really well :blove:

    3. Cocapi


      Oh thank you! I'm glad you thought so!! ♥ Her OC was really cute so that helped me alot hehe

      That's so nice of you :bfcry:!! I do take private orders if people ask but I'm confused on pricing right now and i want to improve a bit.. so I'm not sure when i can open a shop


    4. ChocolateTentacles


      Yeah and it was, so was the pose too hehe,

      I would love to order a piece, what do you charge right now?

      As far as shop wise, I guess it would depend on how many you can make at a time within your own personal time because your shop might fill up super quick each time you finish though your slots XD. (your art is that crazy good!)

      I honestly think doing $15 with 3 commission slots might work and if you're still filling up alot after you finish them, raise it up another $5 :D

      The more art you make, the more you're going to get recognized and commissioned but you don't want to accidentally overwhelm yourself :bcri:

      So it's all about how you pace yourself :cutehehehaaas:

      But in the end, it's all about you and how you want to do it, I think you'll be great either way :bfpervyflirt:

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