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Easter Scavenger


Community Calendar

Event details






Its time again for our annual Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt!!


The aim of this event is for the wonderful community to find all the letters that spell out the word

" E A S T E R". 

As you may have noticed, we have a lot of sub-forums so don't panic!

We've got you covered. 

So in order to help you on your hunt,

we will provide clues as to the whereabouts of each letter to help you out. 



How it works:

Using the clues provided, search out each of the letter to make up the word "Easter".









Recommended Comments

who else is ready to try and find the letter "E" and then waste 30 min desperately and frantically searching for the other letters only to give up mid way through 


meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :otrololol:

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