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[2023] LGBTQ+ Pride Month


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LGBTQ+ stands for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Queer or Questioning.
The + includes all the communities present in the sexuality and gender spectrum as well as its allies


This is the time of year where Art Haven comes together to support one another, celebrate equality, and show love to all people of all orientations. The month of June was chosen for LGBTQ+ Pride month in 1970. This was to show support recognizing the Stonewall riots, which occurred at the end of June in the late 1960s. These celebrations and events continue as to recognize the impact LGBTQ+ people have had in the world.


This year is no different, the LGBTQ+ community has made many great steps forward and have fought for their rights. It is important that we still show our support, raise awareness, and promote a safe space that is free of judgement. We'd like everyone show their support for those who are still fighting for the right to love and the right to be who they'd like to be.

In this topic you may post about your coming out stories, experiences, people that inspired you, other stories, discussions or anything else you would like to tell that is related to the topic. The point of this event is to meet and talk to people from the community and meet fellow LGBTQ+ friends who may even share a similar story to your own!


Similar to previous years we also invite you to add overlays corresponding to your orientation (or a straight ally overlay) to your DP. This shows our colors and support all over the forum. Down below we have some already made overlays you can add to your DP and adjust if you feel the need to do so! Also, feel free to make your own overlays and share them in this topic so they can be added to the list of overlays for people to use! 



Everyone is welcome to participate!

 You must post something below and have an overlay on in order to receive the reward.

 If you're not able to add the overlay yourself, feel free to ask for help in this topic!

 Please be respectful and understanding to one another.

 You may reply to someone's story to show support, but keep it on topic!

 The overlay must remain through the entirety of the event from the time you've posted and at the end of the event to count! 



June 1st to

June 30th


All participants will receive the following award:








LGBT Rainbow Overlay

click for png


Straight Ally Overlay

click for png

click for png


Heteroflexibility Overlay

click for png


Bisexuality Overlay

click for png


Pansexuality Overlay

click for png


Panromantic Overlay

click for png 


Asexuality Overlay

click for png


Apagender Overlay

click for png


Aromantic Overlay

click for png

click for png


Demisexuality Overlay 

click for png


Demiromantic Overlay

click for png


Transgender Overlay

click for png


Transexual Overlay

click for png


Polysexual Overlay

click for png


Polyamorous Overlay

click for png


Abrosexuality Overlay

click for png

Intersexual Overlay

click for png


Autosexual Overlay

click for png


Skoliosexual Overlay

click for png


Androgynous Overlay

click for png


Genderqueer Overlay

click for png


Gender Binary Overlay

click for png


Gender Non-Binary Overlay

click for png

click for png


Lesbian Overlay

click for png

click for png


Androphilia Overlay

click for png


Gynephilia Overlay

click for png


Hermaphrodite Overlay

click for png


Neutrois Overlay

click for png


Greyromantic Overlay

click for png

click for png


Lithromantic Overlay

click for png



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❤ LocuProjects











❤ Gross



























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12 minutes ago, Fervent said:




I made two circle overlays for everyone to use! Feel free to tag me to help you apply it to your DP of choice. :blove:


lgbt-circle-overlay-v1.png  lgbt-circle-overlay-v2.png

could you please add one of the overlays to my dp? 🥹

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Happy Pride Month Everyone!

I hope all you beautiful people have a absolutely fantastic pride month. Let your colors pop and your flags fly high. Be proud of who you are because no matter what you are loved one way or another ♥♥♥

Remember to stay safe and embrace who you are! 


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I would love help with these overlays please!
dcb9b43-fd9b0440-6625-4a1c-90d9-83d5c8323540.png.ec452b638eb341c0806ee0b5399023fd.png lgbt-circle-overlay-v1.png.8dc55c001c2fddb983f84cd680da280c.png.c3d533c19d30b3834cacd60b93c2d03a.png

On this DP, please~ 
spoiler only because its big bouncy_heart_bullet_by_kouenli_dacbud5.gif.914e9c803827a203273bfaf7ee8e7e3f.gif




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4 minutes ago, Fervent said:

@ Toffii  Of course! Let me know if this is okay or if you would prefer something else :klove:






@ Drexiy  Here you go! I hope this is what you meant :lazeflirt:





@ Beep  HERE YOU GO!!!







Yeah that is what i meant, Thank you so much! :bthanks:



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Happy pride month lovelies!!!

Could I possibly have help adding these 2 to this image



v Image below v



Please and thank you :byaslove:

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I'll be making my own overlay but I just wanted to say that I'm proud of those who have come out, and its okay to NOT come out as well. 

My Story: I was 15 with my first serious girlfriend (Im AFAB) and I wanted to be with her openly to my family because she meant a lot to me. So for my 16th birthday we all went out to eat and I invited my best friend at the time and my girlfriend and decided I would tell them then with support. (And maybe a bit of hope a public space will prevent any loud bad reactions..) 

So we're all done eating and just chatting, and I say I have something important to say. Well to my right was my best friend and then beside her my oldest brother. I'm gathering the courage and hear my brother whisper to best friend "She's coming out the closet" 

In short, I was stunned! I asked how they knew as the others laughed (he whispers but it was still loud enough to be heard from the rest). They just told me they always knew. It had scared me to come out because my family I was adopted into, and they're older, old school. They make homophobic and racist remarks as "jokes" so I was scared for the worst. But they accepted it. 

Over the years their "jokes" have not stopped. And it can hurt. I'm now found my true self as non-binary, using they/them pronouns and have changed my name and soon to change it legally. It hurts, it's frustrating for them to use she/her and my deadname. Saying I'll always be my deadname to them. But they still love me. I'm fortunate enough to had a good experience and a semi-support family. And I cherish that more with each sad and heartbreaking coming story gone wrong. But just remember that you do not have to come out. And of your blood do not expect you, then find people who do. I was taught that "blood isn't always family, and family isn't always blood." Others use the quote 'blood is thicker than water', as to say blood family trumps chosen family. But the full quote is "Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb." 

You can choose your own family if your's didn't choose you. And a great place to look starts here at ArtHaven. Where I've made many friends. @ Ephemera  @ Kozmic  and @ Fervent  are just a few. 

Be who you are, not what they expect you to be. Because someone out there will choose the real true you.💞🏳️‍🌈


Another note:


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Could someone please put this flag over this Ukie art :3



Happy pride month guys!

I struggled with my own self image for a long time and I have finally found something that makes me feel at ease with beginning to understand who I am. I came out to my mom a month ago, and my auntie earlier today. I was accepted!! Always remember people love *YOU* 

Good vibes, everyone 💗

Screenshot (118).png


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