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Everything posted by jahh

  1. jahh

    Unknown Brother.gif

    Omg yes! the vibe forreal
  2. jahh


    this is so cute!! i need to order from you soon!
  3. jahh

    icon comm for jahh!

    tysm for making me some beautiful ill look forward to a chibi from ya soon.
  4. jahh


    Omg thank you sm!!!
  5. jahh

    Belongs to Elliern

    these cheebs are so adorbs!!!!
  6. jahh


    this is so freaakking cuteee!
  7. jahh

    Hi how are you, on this fine Monday morning?

    Also what kind of plants do you garden?

    Oh I'm Jahh btw hehe (:


    1. Elsen


      Hello there, nice to meet you- I'm alright thanks!

      It's been kind of a bad year for gardening- earlier in the year the sunflowers I was raising got dehydrated while I was away (I suppose the person I asked to water them must have forgotten), and they didn't make it. I tried again, but a wildfire choked the sky with smoke for about a week and made it colder than it should have been so they got leggy and stunted.

      We had another really bad wildfire again in November that blocked out any sun and caused temperatures around here to get to freezing at night, and the plants I was growing didn't care for that.


      Right now though I have several pots of daisies growing, some carrots, some spinach, a tomato plant, a spearmint plant, strawberries, several volunteer tree saplings (unidentified so far), and I have plans to expand with several winter vegetables like acorn squash, more varieties of carrots, more spinach, and some herbs like peppermint and parsley.


      I'm actually looking to get into gardening professionally, getting a license to open up a nursery and see if I can't make that a seasonal, if not yearly source of income.

    2. jahh


      Oh wow! I stumbled onto your profile and saw Gardening and was like 




      I don't do a whole bunch of gardening myself due to SERIOUS allergies, but I do watch my mom everyday when she does out. We kind of been trying to turn our backyard into a forest or at least just a personal oasis. We built a pond in the back from scratch its been pretty up's and downs with us leaving near the mountains so we get extra creatures always trying to eat our fish. Such as owls, snakes, hawks, coyotes and more.


      Right now we have growing for the fall harvest, we have like several different kinds of lettuce growing, spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet peas, green beans, lemon cucumbers, market-more cucumbers, red bell pepper, green bell pepper, purple, bell pepper, jalapenos, cabbage, beets, celery, green onions, swiss chard, various herbs, and about 4 different types of cherry and large paste tomatoes. plus much more than I can not remember. 


      I uses just hover over here as she plucks, weeds and waters til i can't breathe and run inside for meds. I want to grow it big and wild to the point when you walk out our back doors you don't see.. boring Arizona landscape you see like a nature wonderland.

  8. jahh


    she looks gorgeous tysm.
  9. tysm now my desktop is all holiday-a-fied? LMAAOO
  10. good luck sweetie you got this!
  11. jahh

    FLEX-MAS // DAY 1 ♥

    he is so gorgeous omg i’m moist
  12. jahh


    i love this style as well omgg the hair is everything and the detail in the shirt with the shading ahhhh.
  13. ─ G E N E R A L ─ ─────────── Name: jahh Nickname: j or jahh or gokus baby momma Age: 23 Birthday: 09/10 Ethnicity: african american Gender: female Relationship Status: solo dolo ─ P E R S O N A L ─ ──────────── What's your Hogwart's House?: - slytherin What do you do after work/school?: sleep or video games. What's something you love doing?: swimming more than anything. Describe your personality in 3 words: corky, weird, energetic What's your guilty pleasure?: french fries. Are you religious?: no not really. Do you shower before or after bed?: before. What's your pet peeve?: please close your mouth when you chew damn. Least favorite word: lol don't have one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ─ F A V O R I T E S ─ ───────────── Favorite Color: blue all shades Favorite Movie: dreams girls Favorite Game: the sims Favorite Animal: octopus Favorite Food: french fries Favorite Smell: puppy breath or wood Favorite Song: daniel caesar streetcar Favorite Book: models don't eat chocolate cookies. Favorite Drink: sweet tea or diet dr.pepper Favorite Boy Name: ravi Favorite Girl Name: zyaire Favorite Shows: MHA, friends, big mouth, black clover, steven universe many more. Favorite Chips: extra hot hot cheetos Favorite Style of Food: american Favorite Vacation Spot: don't have one :( Favorite Season: fall/winter Favorite Holiday: halloween Favorite Sport: swimming Favorite Fast Food: in & out and chipotle and freddy’s oof freddy’s 🤤 Favorite Icecream: rocky road. Favorite Tea: sweet black tea
  14. jahh

    Monster Girl Adopts

    these are all super adorbs.
  15. jahh

    DTPAY for Martinus ; u;

    i am moist looking at this beautiful gentleman.
  16. jahh

    For Cornered c:

    the drool wont sttthaaapppp.
  17. jahh


    shes so cuutteeeeee
  18. jahh

    Commission for Fraud!

    eeekkk this style is FETCH! /yes regina i'm making fetch happen.
  19. jahh


    he came out so good. my beautiful flesh eating monster
  20. jahh


    this is amazing.
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