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Everything posted by Acetylace

  1. ahh alright, the new folder helps a lot! > w < ill message you a sketch within a few days~
  2. thank you very much for your order! i am a bit confused on what outfit and accessories i should go off though. if you could clarify a little, i'd greatly appreciate it hehhe i do think it will be a bit difficult to get all the details right so, would going up to $20 for price be okay with you?
  3. woohoooo, alright! i should have a sketch for ya soon > u <
  4. so you are watning a couple dp in the chibi stylee? :0 the link for the ref isnt workin for me ; u ;
  5. hello! sorry for the very late reply ; w ; would you still like to place your order?
  6. yay! ahaha thank ya much for ordering from me ^^
  7. alright, im done! hope ya like ittt and i hope i didnt forget anythinggg lol
  8. awesome! hopefully ill have it done in a few days~
  9. how are these colorsss for the hair?
  10. alright! ill send another wip after i get the lines done and do the flat colors~ and yeee, that would be good!
  11. its a rather messy sketch but here it isss, lol im unsure if i got the hairstyle correct, so just let me know what ya think!
  12. okay! ill have a sketch ready for ya within the next couple days! ^^ ill quote you when its done to ask if there is any changes that need to be made~
  13. alright! also, do ya want the crescent moon filter thingie to be included with the makeup? just wanna make sure hahha
  14. YAYYY ahaha and thank you! they were really fun to color~💜
  15. was a bit slow getting this, trying to fix my sleep scheduleee ahaha but here ya go! i hope you likeee it 💜
  16. awesome!! imma pm you for your paypal email~
  17. my brain really wanted to include the bunny ears so its bit awkward but let me know what you think 💜
  18. thank you so much! looks good and super cute character > w < ill try get the sketch done for you soon!
  19. alright! i can probably start to work on the lines now if you're okay with the sketch ^^
  20. this is what ive got done so far, dunno if ya want the hood up or nott
  21. alright! i should have a sketch for you within the next couple days. ill ask for payment after you confirm the sketch is good ^^
  22. first one is fine with me! for the pose, are you wanting the cup and the plushie? ill make sure to check with you for the sketch and before i start coloring, to hopefully get it close as possible to what you want.
  23. ALRIGHTT, i struggled but here it is! lol im giving you like 3 different versions of it because i dont think im the best at picking out a font and putting names on. ; w ;
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